A Wino's Parody
Wyndham and wine; whirlybird wings.
Capped in the clouds; Giant Frost Kings.
Swords of bronze, tipped with tears.
Gangsters in time, Spinster, Minster, and fears.
Dream world obscured, confusing in drink.
I can not wake up; nose pickled and pink.
Give me a nudge or a kick in the head.
Check my pulse, for I may be dead.
Nope! Not this time, for there stands my wife.
But maybe not for long, she's carrying a knife.
“Get up you lazy oaf!” She shouts in my ear.
My pain magnified, so I grunt, “Yes dear.”
I stagger to my feet; what a pitiful sight.
I long for tomorrow, and another comatose night.
Wyndham and wine; whirlybird wings ...
Wyndham and wine; whirlybird wings.
Capped in the clouds; Giant Frost Kings.
Swords of bronze, tipped with tears.
Gangsters in time, Spinster, Minster, and fears.
Dream world obscured, confusing in drink.
I can not wake up; nose pickled and pink.
Give me a nudge or a kick in the head.
Check my pulse, for I may be dead.
Nope! Not this time, for there stands my wife.
But maybe not for long, she's carrying a knife.
“Get up you lazy oaf!” She shouts in my ear.
My pain magnified, so I grunt, “Yes dear.”
I stagger to my feet; what a pitiful sight.
I long for tomorrow, and another comatose night.
Wyndham and wine; whirlybird wings ...