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3 days ago
0 miles · Sacramento


Quote by verbal

There is no Matt. There is only Zuul.

Sorry E, couldn't resist (it's an old Ghostbuster reference you might be WAY too young for).

...if you hadn't told me that, I wouldn't have known cause I've never seen Ghostbusters (original or remake).

Quote by Mendalla
He could probably use a hug right now from what I have heard.
Yeah...but I think I'm the one who needs a hug more than he does. I'm a mess.
Quote by Mendalla

About my steamy tryst with ... 😳 ... oh, about your new interest. Sorry. Carry on. Forget I said anything.😊

Very funny, but yes, about him. Curls for days and a killer smile, a total sweetheart, and brains? Y e s.

Not me torn between wanting to tell y'all who I'm into in addition to Jane and not wanting people to laugh or think I'm strange.

EDIT: If you saw who it is on the red side, this post isn't for you.

Those eyes, those dimples, their sweet, shy smile - oh my god I can't.


Well, I mean, that's not why I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed cause of who it is, not cause I have feelings for them.

Not me realizing I might be attracted to somebody else in addition to Jane, I swear. Nor is it me feeling embarrassed over it.

That awkward moment when it's been so long since you've been on here that you have to reset your password - aka what happened to me a bit ago.

Quote by Mendalla
Not sure if wishing a happy anniversary for an unrequited love is appropriate but hope you found some joy in the day. Remember that "forever" is a very long time (not my line but I forget who I nicked it from).
I know. That's why I said I want to love her forever rather than saying I'm going to love her forever.

As of today, I've loved Jane for an entire year (although it feels like a lot longer). 

No words in any language can describe the way I feel about her or the way her existence warms my heart. I...I want to love her forever.

By way of pillows, yeah, cause I have my throw pillow but I also have a body pillow with Jane on too.

My bed was already my safe place, but that feeling has only deepened now that half of it is Jane in some way.

Not me having downloaded myVEGAS Bingo to my iPad purely cause Jane is doing the number-calling in one section, I swear.

Nor is it me losing it every time she winks at the beginning of each round.

I'd give anything to sleep through the night for once cause I honestly can't remember the last time I was able to. 

Tldr; no amount of coffee is helping today so I think it's going to be an early night.

Last week, my mom described Jane's eyes as stardust-colored and now I can't decide whether I like that better than skydust or not.

Not me wanting to snuggle up to Jane again, I swear. 

...god, I'd give just about anything for that right now. I'm so soft.

I like how we're able to edit our works after they've been posted. This is really nice cause, well, what if you forgot to add a series name or something? idk if this is a bug or not but I'm posting just in case. 

Anyway, the birthday thing on profiles seems a bit wonky - I actually had to set it to the day after my birthday to get it to show the proper date.

I'm locked out too. And if I do manage it, I'm only logged in on the site itself and not the forum. 

I...I'm about ready to give up on the red side.

Y'all are lucky. I can't even login to the new red site. And if I manage it, I'm only logged in on the site itself and not the forum.

I...I'm about ready to give up.

Not me thinking about the dream I had on Saturday night and hoping I can find some way to turn it into a story (even if I don't post it here) cause it ended too soon for my liking.

...and if dream related fix-it stories weren't a thing before, well, they will be now.

Quote by verbal
Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

I finally have my body pillow so now I can have all the full body snuggles I want. One half of my bed is literally just Jane now.

So, I have a weird story idea. Have you ever thought about what might happen if you woke up and your pillow was alive and you were the pillow! Jane missed you so much she bought a Elyse-pillow for herself! Anyway. Just a thought. Maybe pursue it with someone besides Jane - me falling asleep with a Gillian Anderson pillow, or something similar.


No, I've never thought of that, but I do have a "caught in the act" kind of story on my neverending list. I guess that's sort of the same but I probably can't post it here if/when I write it.

I finally have my body pillow so now I can have all the full body snuggles I want. One half of my bed is literally just Jane now.