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2 days ago
0 miles · Sacramento


If I mentioned this before, I'm sorry, but I learned how to make gifs and edit videos for use in said gifs cause of Jane. 

A lot of the gifs that I want to use for things don't exist so I've had to do it myself.

Not me having had an 'oh my god I have a type' moment cause of a Facebook ad of all things, I swear.

I know I say this a lot, but I'm so soft for Jane right now that it's not funny. 🥰🖤

She makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I just want to hold her tight and give some of that warmth back to her. She deserves it and then some.

Not me working on something to be posted here for once, I swear. Nor is it me knowing the thing I'm working on is a tear-jerker. 

...god, there's something so incredibly addictive about Jane when she looks extra vulnerable. 🖤

Jane was in my dreams last night - for once. 🖤

She'd moved into a house a few doors down from my parents and every time I was over, I'd spend more time at her house than theirs. Oops?

Quote by Mendalla
It's worked for me before, esp. if I am stalled. Or sometimes the new story turns out to be the one I prefer and gets done first.
That's what I'm hoping for, yeah. Neither of them will be posted here though.

Please be gentle with me this week cause it's that time of the month.

Also, I ended up starting a totally new story last night even though I've not finished the one I'm still working on. Maybe that will help me finish it somehow?

Quote by Mendalla
I had a buddy whose oldest brother had his first when we were in our early teens so he was an uncle at like 12 or something so similar situation to you, I imagine, when his oldest nephew went off to university. But only 32? That's not even "old and wrinkly." Jane's older than that, isn't she?
Yeah, I was exaggerating a bit by saying that. And yes, Jane is exactly twice my age - she turned 61 last month - but if I didn't know that, I'd assume she was only in her late forties or early fifties. I might be biased though. 😉
Quote by Mendalla

Yeah, my brother's kids hitting college (they are a bit older than mine) was the first sign I had slipped into the next generational bracket. Then mine did and my eldest nephew got married. So I guess I am well into old fart territory now, eh.😜

Well, I don't know if my being almost 32 counts as "old fart territory," but I hear you. It's like - I remember when she was first born and have watched her grow up over the years, yknow? I feel like I blinked and now she's almost 18.

Sara: That's true. It's part of the reason I'm hoping I won't have to split it up.

...and in other news my (not so) little second cousin is turning 18 next Sunday and now I feel old and wrinkly. Plus she's in her first year of college, too.

Has anyone ever started a story on one site and finished it on another?

That is, posted half on the red end and the rest on here (or vice versa) cause I might have to do that with the one I'm working on if I can't figure out how to leave it as it is.

I'm having a problem changing my avatar. Every time I try, it says it's changed, but then it switches back to the one I have. I'm on an iPad (7th gen) if that means anything.

Quote by Mendalla

ETA: I don't see a way to edit my signature, either.

When you are at the forum list, there is a More to the right of Search. If you click it, it brings up a menu. Choose Forum Settings from that menu and the signature editor is on the window that opens.
I'm on iPad and this is what I get:

I must be poking the wrong thing or something.

ETA: I found it. 

Quote by Mendalla
Quote by JustAnotherSapphic

I feel like there are some subforums missing but I can't put my finger on which ones.

Besides The Break Room, which I have already noted?
Yes. I feel like we're still missing some.

ETA: I don't see a way to edit my signature, either.

I thought I was going to hate the new site but I actually like it (except for when I can't find the threads I want to post in).

Quote by Mendalla
But an alternate skin may be possible depending on the platform the new team is using. Certainly, Xenforo, the forum software I use, allows you to have multiple styles (=skins) available with a button to change between them.

I hope so cause I don't really do change very well.
Quote by Mendalla
I don't know how anyone could reject a change to this site. It is a design that belongs to the age before mobile devices dominated the Internet and is simply not appealing, or sustainable, in this era where phones and tabs dominate.

Then you don't know me very well. I like the look and feel of the current site - probably a bit too much.

Can't we have a compromise? Like where you can have the current look as a classic or flashback skin? I had the dream from my last post again late last night, and this isn't me wondering if it means something. Jane was in my dreams for once. She and I were constantly calling each other to the point where we'd spend hours on the phone and/or video.

The weirdest thing happened to me today, I swear.

I was browsing on Facebook Dating cause why not and I met somebody I'd spoken to about six years ago. How odd is that?
To Sleep in a Sea of Stars.

It's by Christopher Paolini, who also wrote Eragon and its sequels, but this is a sci-fi novel.