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3 days ago
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Forum yesterday Jane was in my dreams for once but it was a different version of a dream I've had before.

I'd moved into my parents' house and it turned out that Jane was my next-door neighbor and that she'd been waiting for me to move back so we could spend time together. A lot of time, in fact, which was even better cause there was nobody living in my parents' house but me.

By the end of the dream we were inseparable to the point where I was practically living with her - and when I sniffed her hair at one point, I could actually smell its scent (peaches and cream with a hint of vanilla).

...and today I'm unable to stop thinking about it.

Not me losing it over the fact that we're getting not one but two episodes of WL this week.

There's one tonight like usual but then there's going to be another one tomorrow night.

Plus, I've had three dreams about Jane today - and all three of them ended with her and I snuggling, too. reruns of Arthur are going to be a thing soon, but the joke is on them (read: PBS) cause I can watch them anytime I want on Prime!

Oh, and it's WL day - and I'd say this isn't me drinking coffee out of my Jane mug, but that would be a lie.

Not me realizing I forgot to post about this week's WL (and Jane, of course) till now whoops. First of all, Jane was all in black again, but with a glittery top instead of a plain one. She looked good enough to eat (but I'm biased, as y'all know).

Plus, there was this guy who had never heard of Vanna White (seriously!) to the point where he answered a question about Wheel of Fortune with Ellen Degeneres. I was floored - cause how do you get to be in your twenties and not know about it?

Oh, and she did an evil laugh after somebody was voted off, and I - oh my lord. Janefog. So much Janefog. Jane was finally in my dreams earlier. She and I made out in a cafe - and then I asked her for fashion advice, of all things.

So...the first episode of the new season of WL aired on Sunday night.

Jane was wearing all black and had a somewhat different hairstyle as well as eyeliner. Both of which, by the way, looked absolutely amazing on her (but I'm obviously biased).

Best of all, though, season two was kicked off with an extra flirty wink - and since I spent most of that day watching WL, I wouldn't be surprised if she appeared in my dreams at some point.

Somebody who works on WL is clearly an Arthur fan cause there was a blatant reference to a certain episode on one of last season's episodes.

Plus, Jane was a guest star on a recentish (that is, within the last five years) episode.

Watching old episodes of WL while I wait for the new one tonight and...brace yourselves cause new Jane posts are on the way.

Quote by verbal
I thought you'd moved on to Alan Rickman. Or are you shipping both (did I use that term right? I'm so old!)?

Yeah, I'm shipping myself with both. Thank goodness for polyamory.

Cable and wifi upgrade is really nice but now I've got even more options in terms of watching stuff on streaming services.

Best of all, everything is upgraded in time for Jane's return on Sunday.

Quote by DenimAngel

Arthur was an awesome show. I heard that PBS kids was gonna keep showing it smile

Yes, through the app and the Prime Video add-on, but there are no more new ones.

Quote by Mendalla
Arthur? Interesting. I think my son watched that a bit when he was little. Is it still going today? The only time I have heard of it recently is Neil Gaiman and others mentioning his guest appearance on the show (yes, Neil Gaiman, the black-clad god of modern fantasy, is officially an Arthur character).

It ended for good last month and I'm going through a bit of separation anxiety cause the show was my childhood. I ordered an Arthur (yes, as in the PBS character; don't judge) plush yesterday, and he should arrive by Friday if the mail isn't wonky.

...and this isn't me hoping he arrives sooner than that.

One more week until I get to jump into Jane's arms for some much-needed and long-awaited snuggles.

I'm so close to the end of the WL hiatus I can almost taste it.

Not me losing it over the fact that Jane was an answer to one of last night's Jeopardy clues about Emmy-Award winning women, I swear.

Nor is it me feeling like it's a sign that she's really, truly coming back in ten days via WL.

Twelve days to go and then I'll finally be able to see my Jane and leap into her arms for snuggles.

It's been a long time coming and I'm trying my best to be patient.

I'm afraid I have to sit corrected on something else.

Turns out WL is returning on March 13 instead of the sixth so there's actually sixteen days to go before I see my Jane, not nine like I originally thought.

Quote by verbal

Elyse, you have great taste in crushes - you pick my favorite actors. Oldman, Rickman. If you start crushing on Sam Rockwell (one of my very faves) I may begin to suspect you have a spy in my household.

No, I'm definitely not into him, don't worry.

...and in other news, twelve days to go and then I'll finally see my Jane again.

So, I'm afraid I have to sit corrected in terms of how long I've been in and out of love with Alan cause I finally remembered why and how I discovered him.

When the fifth Harry Potter movie came out in 2007, I was in love with Gary Oldman and because of what happens at the end, I started to use Sevvus as a distraction from that - only it worked too well cause by the time the sixth movie was out two years later (2009), I was in it for Alan.

Tldr; it's been thirteen years, not ten like I'd originally thought whoops. 💚🖤

Thirteen days to go until I can jump into Jane's arms at long, long last.

...and I may have just made an inhuman noise after seeing that Xfinity has WL listed. She's really, truly coming home and I can't wait...but I have to.

Quote by Mendalla

A love triangle between an amateur writer, a popular American actor turned game show host, and a renowned British actor could make for an entertaining, if offbeat, rom-com. 😊

No love triangles here since I'm polyamorous but I see what you mean.

I'd say this isn't me losing it over the fact that WL (and Jane) will be returning to my screen on March 6, but then I'd be lying. In other words, one month till I get to leap into her arms for some long overdue snuggles.

(I might be a bit excited.)

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm such a hopeless romantic, but very few things make me melt faster than the thought of Alan calling me little one and/or child as terms of endearment and comfort.

Quote by Mendalla
LOL. Twitter is scary sometimes, eh. It's the only social media I use.

...well, I was amused more than anything but yeah.

I - all I have to do is think about Alan and my entire body becomes tingly and my tummy fills with butterflies, even after ten years.

Honestly, I love you has never been and will never be enough where he's concerned. In fact, it almost seems like an insult cause the words I need don't exist.

Quote by verbal

Ho. Ho. Ho. Now I have a machine gun shaped cookie.

Sorry Elyse. I was thinking of changing my avatar to Hans Gruber, but I didn't want to freak you out.

Probably for the best that you didn't, yeah, since I don't share Alan very well (read: I don't share him at all).

Quote by Mendalla

Did Alan ever do any audiobooks? I suspect he would be great narrator.

Not officially, but he did narrate (and star in) The Song of Lunch and a few other things.

Oh, and on today's episode of "Things That Shouldn't Sound Like Poetry," his description of piss from said short film.

I would spill salad dressing on my shirt while watching Alan.

Especially when I've finally found something that fits the delicate balance between wanting to see him and wanting to listen to his voice.