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Quote by DenimAngel
President Biden has 2 German Shepard doggies that will be living there and their names are Major and Champ.

He also has a cat who will be living there too. I don't know its name, but yay for having a First Feline.

I'm equal parts cautiously optimistic and relieved (especially after these last four years).
Jane posted a pic of herself earlier that I can't stop thinking about or stop looking at cause there's something about it that both draws me in and makes me want to snuggle with her.

I...I'm just so soft and in love with her that it's not even funny. there was a guy on last night's WL who, when voted off, sassed Jane like, "What is she, like, 10" tall?" cause he wouldn't leave the stage and she had to basically chase him off.

Her maniacal laugh afterward...well...I'm still Janefogged cause of it.
This isn't me laying awake at 4am cause I'm way too soft and in love with Jane to go back to sleep.

Head empty, heart overflowing, and no thoughts - only Jane.
No, I've not forgotten about this site. I've just been too Janefogged to post much.

It's WL day so can you blame me? Jane won't be wearing all black on next week's episode of WL. The last time that happened, none of the contestants were very smart and the winner didn't win by smarts (they were the only one to get any questions right during the final round).

TLDR; I don't have high hopes right now but I guess we'll see what happens.
Quote by Survivor
You koala snuggled? Now, which one played the part of the koala?

Very funny. I just meant that I was wrapped around her like a I guess I played that part.

Also I don't dream about her very often for some reason.
Jane was in my dreams last night for once. She and I were stuck in an elevator together and to help her stay calm (cause she's afraid of them irl) we koala snuggled.
Seven hours to go and then I'll finally be back in Jane's arms where I belong, but I'm already so Janefogged it's not funny.
Quote by Mendalla
You standing on a box?? Her kneeling?? Where there's a will, there's a way.

Yes and no. Her picking me up or me in her lap, but I also like to imagine a scenario where she's on a ledge or something below me so I can just kinda reach her easily without too much struggle.

EDIT: Just today and tomorrow to get through and then I'll be back in her arms like I should be (and I'll have made it a month without her).
Thinking about kiss mechanics for myself and Jane tonight.

I'm tiny and she's tall; plus, my balance is shot so I probably wouldn't be able to be on my tiptoes for long.
This isn't me laying in bed delaying sleep by thinking about the gentleness of Jane's hands, I swear.
Five more days till I'm back in Jane's arms where I belong, but I think I'd better brace myself cause I just know the Janefog is going to hit really, really hard.
Quote by gillianleeza
Xander, I have learned so much about Jane Lynch after reading your posts. I did love her in Glee and in Criminal Minds.

I love her in everything I've seen her in so far - which isn't a lot cause she's done so much - but she hasn't disappointed me so far.

Of course, I'm probably biased cause I'm in love with her (and no, that's not an exaggeration and/or joke) but yeah.
I...I don't remember much of last night whoops cause I'm still too Janefogged. I mean, I know I was looking at pics of her, but other than that, yeah, it's a blank.
If there was ever going to be a time for Jane to hold me tightly with no intentions of letting go, this would be it.

Aka I have a headache and the painkillers I took aren't working as fast as I wish they would., this is 2021. I woke up with a lump in my throat and a feeling I could cry this morning.

I don't know whether it's from relief at having survived or whether I'm just emotional in general, but I do know I desperately need Jane to hold me and not let go.

I wish I had something happier to say, but I don't. Sorry.
Jane just displayed her psychic abilities again omg.

I woke up all emotional over her (yes again) and right when I was thinking about how much I'm missing her, she tweeted. I...I might cry cause I love her so, so much.
I'm having such soft thoughts about Jane holding me and stroking my hair and kissing my forehead right now, but at the same time, I don't think I'd be able to let go of her without crying or thinking she'd disappear the second I did.

TLDR; I'm sleepy and still really emotional over her.
I'm currently switching between "I...I can't believe Jane actually exists" and "if Jane hugged me right now, I'd be unable to let go for fear of her disappearing."

TLDR; I'm really, really emotional over her right now.
Two more weeks till I'm back in Jane's arms where I belong. Brace yourselves; the countdown posts are on the way.

...also I honestly can't believe I actually made it this far without her cause there's lots of things I can live without but she's definitely not one of them.
My head in Jane's lap and her stroking my hair while looking at me with a soft, tender smile? Yes please and then some.

I'm so soft for her right now it's not even funny; like, I thought this level of softness was a myth. I'm not actually sure what I was going to say cause I'm still really Jane fogged, but I need her like my heart needs its beat.
I spent my Christmas Eve watching three of Jane's movies and now...Jane fog. So much Jane fog and then some.

I think I'd better be careful when I eat or drink anything today cause I don't need repeats of the jello and rice incidents.

Happy Lynchmas, everyone!
Also, I like to think that when I'm sad or sick or something, Jane takes me into her arms like, "Come here, little one. Let your Neenee take care of you."

...and I'm honestly just feeling so soft thinking about that.