...so I now have three shirts with Jane on them (although my new one has her as Sue Sylvester on it, but still).
Also, would it surprise anybody to know that I...I hugged my new shirt after I got it?
Quote by DenimAngel
*hugs* you could have a Jane marathon and make all her favorite foods and snacks on Valentine's Day.
Quote by Mendalla
(True story: When my son was in one of his schools, forget which one now, they had hot lunches brought once a month or so by a woman who had a franchise for an outfit called Lunch Lady. Her name was Sue. So her web site title was "Sue the London Lunch Lady". The jokes wrote themselves, though no legal action ever occurred that I heard of.)
Quote by elizabethblack
Her wink is not to be denied. Can't blame you for floating. Did she by chance crook her little finger at you?
Quote by DenimAngel
The First Feline name and breed hasn't been revealed yet but I'm excited about that too.
And Major the German Shepard will be the first shelter dog in the White House.