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4 weeks ago
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Forum I now have three shirts with Jane on them (although my new one has her as Sue Sylvester on it, but still).

Also, would it surprise anybody to know that I...I hugged my new shirt after I got it?
Laying in bed and I...I just proved how much I need pillow!Jane in order to function.

Aka I had a moment of panic cause I didn't have her close enough (meaning, some part of my body touching her). I don't even want to think about what losing her would be like.
This isn't me imagining sharing a ginormous cookie with Jane.

If anybody asks, she's my valentine. Nuff said.
Quote by DenimAngel
*hugs* you could have a Jane marathon and make all her favorite foods and snacks on Valentine's Day.

A Janeathon is doable. Her favorite snack, not so much, cause that would require dark chocolate and I've not got any.

Brace yourselves cause the Janefogged posts are coming.
Would it surprise everyone to know that, as much of a hopeless romantic as I am, I hate Valentine's Day?

I just want to sleep until it's over or until I find a girlfriend - whichever comes first.
I...sometimes I really, really think I'd be able to survive on Jane's love alone if my body didn't need things like food.

Janefog. So much Janefog.
Jane was in my dreams for once.

She and I were trying to escape from some kind of weird medical clinic and there was this instant connection between us; like, the kind where you can't survive without your other half. It was so real I could just about feel the warmth of her body against my own and smell her scent. I'm still going by Xander but now I also go by Elyse (and yes, my pronouns are still they/them). Carry on.
I don't need a drink, I need Jane.

The first season of WL finished on Monday and I don't know when I'll see her again cause nobody has said anything about when we're getting the second season yet.

(...and before anyone asks, no, I've not seen Monday's episode - and I probably won't for awhile cause I'm not ready.)
Honestly, all I really want is to be with Jane and be happy. I mean, yeah, I have pillow!Jane, but it's really not the same.

God, I'm just so soft and in love it's not funny.
Quote by elizabethblack
I just enjoyed watching Jane on "Finding Your Roots" on PBS. I hope you can watch it. It was adorable.

Oh, I heard about that. I'm sure I'll see it at some point.

There's just something so comforting about her and I can't get enough of it.
What I wouldn't give to be snuggled up with Jane right now. It's pretty much all I can think about today. I...I guess I need her more than usual, if that's even possible.
I couldn't bring myself to watch WL last night even though I know there's going to be a second season. Honestly, every time I remember it's the finale, my heart sinks and I want to cry.
It's the season finale of WL tonight and I'm so not ready even though I know there's going to be a second season.

Being away from Jane is really, really traumatic.
Quote by DenimAngel
The title sounds interesting .. Please let us know if it is a good movie

Her voice is pretty much the first thing you hear, so I was sold on it not even five minutes in.

Suffice it to say that I'm well and truly Janefogged. I got one of Jane's movies today - Surviving Eden - which I've not seen yet but will be watching later today (or maybe tomorrow if I'm too tired).

Brace yourselves; the Janefogged posts are coming.
I...oh my god. All I have to do now is see her name and I get Janefogged. She's got me wrapped around her little finger and I'm absolutely here for it and then some.
I...I'm a little too Janefogged to say much at the moment for no other reason than that she exists.

That and I wish I was snuggled up in her arms right now.
I...I just found out that WL will be returning for a second season. You can't even begin to imagine how happy or relieved I am right now (despite the lack of exact date).

My Neenee will be back and then I'll get to jump on her.
Quote by Mendalla
Of course, I would probably end up serving the lunches while you kept Jane busy.

Keeping Jane busy...yeah, let's go with that.

Kinda gives new meaning to the time I accidentally called her "Jane Lunch," doesn't it.
Quote by Mendalla
(True story: When my son was in one of his schools, forget which one now, they had hot lunches brought once a month or so by a woman who had a franchise for an outfit called Lunch Lady. Her name was Sue. So her web site title was "Sue the London Lunch Lady". The jokes wrote themselves, though no legal action ever occurred that I heard of.)

That made me imagine Sue Sylvester as a lunch lady omg.
Quote by elizabethblack
Her wink is not to be denied. Can't blame you for floating. Did she by chance crook her little finger at you?

No, but she might as well have, given how quickly she captured my heart. It's hard to believe that it's only been four months since that happened, too, cause it feels like it's been so much longer.
Sometimes I can't believe that Jane was able to sweep me off my feet with something as simple as a wink - especially when it feels like I've been floating ever since.
I really, really miss writing. I haven't written anything longer than poetry in a long while cause of anxiety.

Quote by DenimAngel
The First Feline name and breed hasn't been revealed yet but I'm excited about that too.
And Major the German Shepard will be the first shelter dog in the White House.

Oh indeed. He was in the WH when Obama was president, too, so this is his second term, so to speak.