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2 days ago
0 miles · Sacramento


Curled up in my recliner, earbuds in, and starting to think about my next piece of writing.

Honestly, I feel like everything turns out better when I don't have a plan.
*clings to pillow!Jane sleepily*

Having a tough time waking up this morning even though I've already had my first cup of coffee. Here's hoping the second one helps.
Quote by Mendalla
Read and scored. I like it. Captures the feelings nicely. I've been guilty of writing stuff to women I was crushing madly on, too (in high school, not presently).

Thanks. Honestly, I'm lucky to have Jane as my muse even if I can't always put my feelings into words.
Quote by verbal
Epistolary means made of letters, so I'm sure love letters would work for a love story. Try it!

Well, I still need to look at it again and edit and/or make sure there isn't more I want to add, but I just might. Thanks.
Quote by verbal
It's epistolary fiction! I'm no mod, but that's fine in my book. I wrote one last year. Granted, it was about monstrous dragon-y things swooping down on a suburban neighborhood and exacting revenge, but still.

Hmm. Well, mine is really more in the form of a love letter so you can see why I'm confused.
Do unsent letters count as musings? Cause I wrote something and that seems like the right category but it's in the form of a letter so I wasn't sure.
Well, it happened - I finally have something other than poetry to post - but I'm not sure where I'd post it cause it's musings but in the form of a love letter.
Finally got around to changing my avatar on here and now it's all I can do not to imagine playing with Jane's hair.
Honestly, the more I think about it, the more Jane's middle name (Marie) fits her.

I mean, it's irony at its finest - an ordinary name for an extraordinary woman - and I'm absolutely here for it and then some.
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Xander, when it comes to women, with dang few exceptions, they have most of us guys whipped like the proverbial rented mule. So accept your fate and sweat it not. ;)

Except I'm a non-binary lesbian but your point is still valid. I've honestly never been like this over any man.
...and I'm so Janefogged that I messed up my coffee - too much water and not enough coffee.

She's got me whipped, I guess.
I keep thinking about a scenario where I snuggle up to Jane and bury my face into her chest like, 'God, you smell so good...'

Janefog. So much Janefog.
Jane was in my dreams again.

This time, somebody had introduced us after a play or something and there was such a deep, instant connection between us that she and I immediately decided to run away together.

...and I...I don't usually dream about her this much, either.
Mustard-filled chocolate éclairs.

Quote by rolandlytle
A visit from the Conehead family. you want me to have nightmares? Those things scare me so much it's not funny.
As much as I want to kiss Jane (among other things), I'd honestly get the most pleasure from just being with her.

Sarcastic as she is, there's also something so incredibly soothing about her that she and I could be in the same room or something and I'd instantly feel calm.
I was yesterday years old when I learned that putting " after a number indicates inches and not feet.

...which means I've been telling people that Jane is only six inches tall instead of six feet tall.
...well, I sit corrected. Apparently Countdown is a game show and not a news program like I'd thought.

Better yet, it does air in America, so I guess I'll be seeing Anne sometime this year after all. I...I have no words.