*clings to pillow!Jane sleepily*
Having a tough time waking up this morning even though I've already had my first cup of coffee. Here's hoping the second one helps.
Quote by Mendalla
Read and scored. I like it. Captures the feelings nicely. I've been guilty of writing stuff to women I was crushing madly on, too (in high school, not presently).
Quote by verbal
It's epistolary fiction! I'm no mod, but that's fine in my book. I wrote one last year. Granted, it was about monstrous dragon-y things swooping down on a suburban neighborhood and exacting revenge, but still.
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Xander, when it comes to women, with dang few exceptions, they have most of us guys whipped like the proverbial rented mule. So accept your fate and sweat it not. ;)