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3 days ago
0 miles · Sacramento


Not me feeling like I don't deserve Jane, I swear. Nor is it me feeling like she wouldn't love me - or even like me, for that matter.

...except it is, I am, and I do. And yes, I do know I shouldn't jump to conclusions but I don't think it can be helped.
Not me desperate to spoon with Jane again. Or something. Honestly, I just need to be close to her.
...god, I wish I knew when there's going to be more WL. Nobody has said anything other than "we're casting" and "later this year."

I'm honestly starting to give up hope of there being a new season.
...not me still unable to find a video of a certain episode of the original (non-Jane) WL, I swear.

Nor is it me feeling like I might never get to see it again.
Jane is making me feel everything and then some today, I swear, to the point where I'm close to tears.

Honestly, it feels like all of the emotions I was holding back when I was blocked have been more than ready to spill over for a much longer amount of time than I'd thought.

...and I know I shouldn't question it but...I can't help wondering what it is about her that evokes such deep feelings within me.
Not me struggling to hold myself together after seeing some gifs elsewhere of Jane in a zoot suit, I swear.
This isn't me 250 words deep into a new piece of writing after being incredibly blocked for the last month or so.

...except it is and I am (although what I'm working on is better suited to the other site).
I say I love Jane constantly...and sometimes feels like I don't say it enough. What gives?
...and I can't even think about Jane without getting really emotional today.

God, I her so much; like, you'd have to possess my body in order to truly understand.
I forgot to mention that the entire reason Jane was at the convention in my dream was to promote WL.
Jane was in my dreams last night.

She and I met at some sort of convention in a huge, fancy hotel, and there was a very tangible instant attraction between us, but people tried so hard to keep us apart that we finally had to escape on a plane by being stowaways.

...and I woke up right when she was going to kiss me, too.
Quote by rolandlytle
Xander, I could bring my DVDs with me, and we could watch Glee tomorrow.

...except I have the entire show on DVD, too, so maybe I'll bring mine.
Feeling really soft and in love with Jane this morning. Honestly, every time I so much as think about her, I fall a little bit deeper in love.
Quote by rolandlytle
It is always a good day when you can pop by Xander.

I'm glad you think so. I'll be around more now, I think, as long as my WiFi doesn't go out again like it did yesterday. That wasn't fun.
I'm feeling too many emotions at once today (good ones, don't worry) and yet...I could cry. I think I'll glue myself to Jane for awhile.
Sometimes I don't think Jane knows how beautiful she really is.

...yeah, I'm soft and in love.
Maybe I'm just weird, but I really think Jane looks a lot more like herself when she isn't smiling.
Quote by verbal
Congrats on the girlfriend, Xander.

Thanks. I'm glad I was finally not too scared to ask her out.
...well, I guess "too soon" wasn't now after all cause the girl I wrote my most recent poem now my girlfriend!

Doesn't mean I'm leaving Jane though - I could never do that (and my gf won't make me, thankfully).
Even if Jane and I were snuggled up skin-to-skin right now, I still wouldn't be able to get myself close enough to feel as safe and protected as I crave to be.

Honestly, I sometimes think the only way I'd be able to is if I could share her body (weird as that sounds).
Jane towers over me and is twice my age...and yet...I can't help referring to her as my baby girl sometimes.
Occasionally - Melissa Etheridge

(Taking a leaf out of Jane's book today so I can kinda "get into her head," so to speak.)