Jane is making me feel everything and then some today, I swear, to the point where I'm close to tears.
Honestly, it feels like all of the emotions I was holding back when I was blocked have been more than ready to spill over for a much longer amount of time than I'd thought.
...and I know I shouldn't question it but...I can't help wondering what it is about her that evokes such deep feelings within me.
Right now, I really need sleep.
This isn't me 250 words deep into a new piece of writing after being incredibly blocked for the last month or so.
...except it is and I am (although what I'm working on is better suited to the other site).
Not me starting to fall for somebody else in addition to Jane and Anne, I swear.
I forgot to mention that the entire reason Jane was at the convention in my dream was to promote WL.
Brave and Crazy - Melissa Etheridge
I'm feeling too many emotions at once today (good ones, don't worry) and yet...I could cry. I think I'll glue myself to Jane for awhile.
No, I haven't forgotten y'all - I've just been a lot more active on the other side lately.
Is it wrong and/or weird that I'm looking at Jane for future hairstyle ideas?
...well, I guess "too soon" wasn't now after all cause the girl I wrote my most recent poem about...is now my girlfriend!
Doesn't mean I'm leaving Jane though - I could never do that (and my gf won't make me, thankfully).
Jane towers over me and is twice my age...and yet...I can't help referring to her as my baby girl sometimes.
Occasionally - Melissa Etheridge
(Taking a leaf out of Jane's book today so I can kinda "get into her head," so to speak.)