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2 days ago


Sorry if this is elsewhere already and I've missed it. I'm getting conflicting information about minimum uploads.

Under the "Acceptable Use Policy", character counts must be at least 3,000 characters. However, under the description of Flash Fiction, it says that stories can be "anywhere between one hundred to one thousand words".

I was just about to submit a story of 347 words long, but it's less than 3,000 characters. It doesn't take much to confuse me! Can you help me by clarifying, please? Thank you.

I haven't logged on for a long time, and it's a whole new site! I have no idea what's going on, ha ha!

I wanted to be re-order the stories showing on my profile page, but can't seem to find any way to do this (or understand it, at least). Is this still being updated, or is it just my perpetual dimness, please?

Quote by magnificent1rascal
Yes, but it's done.

Previously approved pieces that are sent in for reverification go to the top of the queue, not the bottom.

Thank you. It's worth knowing for other authors, then, don't change your copyright after you share! And thank you for being around, too!
Hiya. I just shared a poem on Twitter, and then wanted to share it on Facefeck (but without the copyright information on that piece). However, in unticking the box, it's apparently sent it in for verification. So does that mean I now have to wait for a mod to come online and be free to re-verify it (at the end of their queue), despite there being no change to the text or picture? *sigh*

Quote by Entangled_Fate
Yes! With alot other features Gav kindly add today. ❤

Bonus! I proper love Gav, I do. He deserves a billion cups of Magic Tea.
Sorry if I missed it, but is this a new feature? I like it. I think it's a helpful thing, and will allow readers to vote without fear of reprisals, and authors not to worry about who thought what or not.

Thank you.
Quote by DirtyMartini
Quote by Daisy

Thanks for the heads up! s

I've never submitted anything before. If I do, do we just send one piece, or can we send a couple? *gathers up nerves*

Hey Miss Daisy, no problem's what I do...

As far as number of submissions, it says "Send up to four poems at a time"...

Regular Submission Guidelines

And Good Luck to you...once you do start submitting stuff, you'll quickly realize that most things will get worries though, just keep sending stuff out...if you keep at it, eventually you will get something published. And that's the way it works for everyone btw...

Thank you so much for the reply! I should have read more, sorry.

One of the reasons I haven't submitted anything before is that Rejection and I have a tendency to punch each other in the face (Rejection has a faster reflex than me).
Quote by DirtyMartini
Poets with Mental Illness Needed to Submit Poetry to Rattle magazine
Payment: $100/poem
Job source:

Rattle magazine (est. 1994) is publishing a special Summer 2017 tribute issue celebrating the literary works of poets with mental illness. Poems do not have to address mental health. Writers can compose poems on any topic, in any style or length...

Tribute Calls[/size][/quote]

Thanks for the heads up!

I've never submitted anything before. If I do, do we just send one piece, or can we send a couple? *gathers up nerves*
Here is one from my mother's garden. I tweaked the colour for a friend of mine who likes blue roses.

I don't remember what or when it was, but there has been a time or two when I'd wished for that option, so I'll add my tuppence in favour of the possibility, please.
The night has died and taken dreams;
It's left reality instead.
The sun is cheery, daffodils bouncing...
Stuff that crap,
I'm back in bed.

Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Blue, many thanks.
Daisy, can I buy that tea by the gallon or maybe 2liter bottles?

You'll have to negotiate with the Magic Tea fairies (they'll deliver twenty gallon pots for sixteen gingerbread men).
Quote by authorised1960

I find a PM to be adequate to express such feelings rather than aim for public approval...

I refer you to my previous comment. If public approval is what you seek then, go for it, but isn't that what the comments facility on the individual stories is for?

I disagree - for the reasons I have previously stated, which I believe to be sufficient in and of themselves.

In the first instance you should write for your own pleasure. To do otherwise is to set yourself up for disappointment and to having your fragile ego punctured (or worse...). Whilst I agree that reading the work of others' can be - and is - a useful learning tool writing for your own pleasure and amusement should be the bedrock of your ambitions. Any approval that comes afterwards should be the cream on top.

Ha ha! I ADORE red-heads and ginger women...

I happily agree with a lot of what you say, even if not all.

I might dye my hair ginger now...
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
Gav, there appears to be a vast conspiracy to kick me off both SS and Lush...or something like that, anyway. I can be in the middle of some hard-core piddling, only to discover I've been logged off without warning or explanation. Granted, logging back in is so simple even I can do it after two or three tries, but it is annoying. Your help in alleviating this burr under my saddle would be most appreciated and insure you not being harassed about this ever again...probably.

Have you tried clearing the cache and cookies (nom nom), and then turning it off and on again?

Failing that, offer Gav the most massivey massivest cup of Magic Tea you can find, and he might twiddle his Special Knob and sort it all out for you.
Quote by authorised1960

This sort of thread is fraught with potential 'danger': at minimum someone is going get their feelings hurt and/or be offended if none of their work is offered as recommended reading. I have seen this before on other sites and it always ends in tears... I commend the OP for the genuine good thoughts behind idea, but I caution against continued participation...

Wherever there are humans, that problem exists. Should we therefore refuse to share pieces that have somehow moved or spoken to us? I say no. Those of us with fragile egos, who judge their own worth (wrongly) by others' opinions of us (and yes, I am one such pathetic creature), should not dictate the sharing of something positive and for some, helpful.

To caution against sharing things we have found excellent is both brave and commendable, particularly for the reasons you have given.
However, to continue to share pieces of work in spite of fear of upsetting some of us is also brave and commendable.

I shall strive to write a piece that is worth sharing, and leave my doctor to pick up the pieces until I have. In the meantime, I shall endeavor to read those that are recommended, not just to improve my own skills, but because the pieces themselves may give me a little moment of escape from looking at myself all the time. Who knows, but perhaps this thread is a salve for those of us still trying to speak to another with our talents (or lack thereof)?

Again, I commend your spirit highly, but I also disagree (even though my heart doesn't want to).

Finally, I have read your signature banner, and feel the need to state that "Ginger Is Most Excellent", even if you don't agree.

Edit: I had to edit this, as it's too early not to make mistakes, but oh well.
You work on something for three straight hours, and you're still only a quarter of the way along.
You need your medicine before you get up. And you still haven't got up three hours later...
Quote by ginger86
Quote by Daisy
When I was a child, I thought you could decide what size boobies to have (surgery was not something I was aware of). It was a big shock when mine turned out to be enormous, after I'd already chosen to have little ones.

awwww daisy, i think they got ours mixed up. i wished for the big uns and mine are small

wanna trade

Only if you'll take the rest of it, too!
When I was a child, I thought you could decide what size boobies to have (surgery was not something I was aware of). It was a big shock when mine turned out to be enormous, after I'd already chosen to have little ones.

I thought I could actually get to Narnia through my wardrobe if I just wished hard enough. I spent hours in there pleading with Aslan!

And I was terrified of The Toilet Wolf. If you sat on the toilet too long, he'd run up the stairs inside the toilet and GET YOU!


I love cookies, and I believe that they should be shared where willingly possible. It fulfils their destiny, and makes them happy. It is my aim in life to support them in fulfilling that simple, yet sacrosanct, dream. They help me write stuff, I nom them. It works well for us.

I hope you've been enjoying your time here so far.
Generally, I write the piece first, and then find the title. I usually do that by looking at what the entire piece is about, or a snippet of something that is integral to the piece for me, or sets the "flavour" of what is to come. Sometimes, the process of writing reveals the title as I go. I've been known to utter "Yessss...." rather loudly to myself on finding the title mid-sentence and mid-paragraph, whilst sat in a busy coffee shop.

With poetry, and occasionally stories, I sometimes have the title word/s first, because they sparked off the piece itself.

Today, I feel really poorly because I've got the tummy bug my mum has. Thankfully it's not as severe as hers, but I'm going to lose at least one, maybe two days of work, and I feel horrible.

Quote by 3rebels4
What I want to know is why we can't see any avatars or post comments on stories?

I think the poor site has a case of the sniffles, but it's been noted, and I'm sure it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Quote by magnificent1rascal
I'd go for something simple, like a blue star:

Oh, and I love the star!
There are discussions about this elsewhere (ahem). I hate it too.