Quote by DLizze
Hello all. MY name is DLizze (for those of you who wonder, it is pronounced just the same as it is spelled ). Some of you may know me from another place. For the rest of you, a brief introduction is in order. I think Douglas Adams sums me up pretty well in his description of Earth in the Hitchhiker;s Guide: "Mostly harmless".
By the way, for you youngsters out there, a Ford Prefect was a little sedan manufactured in England from 1938 forward (except during the war years) by the UK branch of Ford Motor Company. It was the top of the line in their sedans, and in the late nineteen fifties boasted the following optional extras: heater, windscreen wipers, radio, and leather upholstery. Ford Prefect went out of production in 1961.
Quote by gav
It wasnt your sore finger this time
Ok, I think things are back up now. Unfortunately I have no friends online to test it with
Quote by DirtyMartini
My first ever newspaper interview mentions a very famous story site that some here may recognize...the online version went live last night, and the print edition came out this morning, Thursday Sept. 20...
Apparently I'm front page news online, but on page 24 in the print edition...there are a couple of minor factual errors, and if you read the first line carefully you'll quickly realize they might consider hiring a proofreader, but overall I think it came out nice...
Here's the link to the online version...
S. Amboy resident finds world of exposure on the Internet[/size][/quote]
Quote by Lisa
Only a few more days to go until the contest closes. We've received a great mix of stories and poems so far. If you're looking at entering there's still time!
Quote by gypsymoth
It's here, dear, if you click on the Competition link, you'll find the link for the current and closed ones.
Scroll down past the details of the comp, all entries are listed.
Quote by DirtyMartini
Oh, Miss Shy Person...I think I may have figured out what a pooter might be after all...and assuming your pooter was made within the last twenty years or so, it should have a microphone thingy...
Of course, not having a microphone to plug into the thingy could still present a problem...
Quote by Dreamcatcher
...and I've found that just shouting into that little hole doesn't work either..