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1 month ago


Lisa, you're an absolute star, and YAYYYYYYY you'll still be here!

Sherzahd, WOOOO! I shall make more of an effort to send fan mail through the Contact Us button.
Quote by magnificent1rascal
It isn't just you, Daisy. I tried to format it the way you wanted and the story submission interface rejected my efforts too.

So the answer must be, it is just evil.

I reckon Gav is toying with us.

Thank you for trying.
I tried to centre my verses in my most recent poem. I don't usually do that, but I wanted to with this one. I told it to, but it won't preview or publish centred. Why? Does it hate me, or is it just evil?

Love Daisy.
Quote by DLizze
Hello all. MY name is DLizze (for those of you who wonder, it is pronounced just the same as it is spelled ). Some of you may know me from another place. For the rest of you, a brief introduction is in order. I think Douglas Adams sums me up pretty well in his description of Earth in the Hitchhiker;s Guide: "Mostly harmless".

By the way, for you youngsters out there, a Ford Prefect was a little sedan manufactured in England from 1938 forward (except during the war years) by the UK branch of Ford Motor Company. It was the top of the line in their sedans, and in the late nineteen fifties boasted the following optional extras: heater, windscreen wipers, radio, and leather upholstery. Ford Prefect went out of production in 1961.

Quote by gav
It wasnt your sore finger this time

Ok, I think things are back up now. Unfortunately I have no friends online to test it with

Do we get to spank you for breaking it? I'd have been online for that. "The Geek Gets His."

Love you really, Gav. You can't be perfect, you'll make the rest of us feel inferior. How do you know it was you, anyway? I blame the government goblins, personally.
Quote by Noraj
Bialys and some good company to share it with. smile

Shared Gingas and giggles.
Quote by DirtyMartini
My first ever newspaper interview mentions a very famous story site that some here may recognize...the online version went live last night, and the print edition came out this morning, Thursday Sept. 20...

Apparently I'm front page news online, but on page 24 in the print edition...there are a couple of minor factual errors, and if you read the first line carefully you'll quickly realize they might consider hiring a proofreader, but overall I think it came out nice...

Here's the link to the online version...

S. Amboy resident finds world of exposure on the Internet[/size][/quote]

Hope it went well, Nora!

Today, I feel exhausted, becausd the world is just so big, and my brain cell is just so little.
I feel overwhelmed, because everything is just too much.
Quote by Lisa
Only a few more days to go until the contest closes. We've received a great mix of stories and poems so far. If you're looking at entering there's still time!

Will the list of entries still be visible when the closing date has passed, or would it be better to add them to my reading queue?
Quote by bunz
Quote by DirtyMartini
Hi Bunz... to Stories Space...

You could write a story about a cupcake...have no clue where that came from, but it's a thought...

Actually, that's not a bad idea...


I love cakes.
Is it possible to have the full list of current competition entries under the home page "Competitions" stories index button, please?

Currently, I have to keep searching and following various links to find all the entries.

Love Daisy.
Sometimes, famous people or artists have a "Thing". They are known for only practicing their art whilst somewhere special, or wearing something, or doing something as they do it. If you know what I mean?

If you had a Thing as a writer, what would it be? I quite like the idea of only writing whilst wearing my Lucky Wellies (and all my other clothes, obviously, although some of you may choose to have your Thing as being naked - or indeed, be able to see your Thing). It's not practical (the Wellies, I mean), as I usually write whilst I'm in bed, but maybe one day, my Lucky Wellies will be in some long-forgotten archive basement of an ancient writing museum, labelled, "Daisy's Lucky Wellies - Daisy could not write without wearing her Lucky Wellies and drinking Baileys coffee."

So, what would you like your Thing to be?
Whilst you all be somewhat busy,
I be here, a winner dizzy!
Sorry if this has been done before!

I was wondering, why do you write?

And as a natural follow-on, why do you share what you write?

I know as the topic-starter, I should kick off, but I am still wondering about it myself. A few months ago, I joined a different story site, thinking to myself, "I can do that!" And I started to post, and nobody was mean - they were encouraging!

I have written various bits and pieces all my life, since I was first able to write, but I never seriously began to think of "Writing" as opposed to just plain ol' writing stuff until I joined here. I have a few friends who are published authors, but I would not share with them the things I have so far produced for these sites. I'm not ready for that yet. And I am still thinking about how I feel about the questions I am now putting to you.

The answers may be simple, or complicated, or you may not even care. But if you feel like sharing, I would like to know:

Why do you write?

Why do you share what you write?

I might have just got there before you? I mean... after you...?
Quote by DirtyMartini

Oh, Miss Shy Person...I think I may have figured out what a pooter might be after all...and assuming your pooter was made within the last twenty years or so, it should have a microphone thingy...

Of course, not having a microphone to plug into the thingy could still present a problem...


I LOVE that pooter! This is an old laptop. Like the old brick-type mobiles, but a laptop. I have discovered what I THINK is a hole for the mic, but... I don't have a mic. So you are all currently spared my northern accent and silly voices.

Quote by Dreamcatcher

...and I've found that just shouting into that little hole doesn't work either..

Soooo many comments... sooooo the wrong site for them...