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The new 'Recommended' check marks...

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I didn't like the first incarnation either, which looked like a really dull oppresive stamp of approval left over from the dreadful and thankfully gone Communist era in Eastern Europe.

Compared to that, the check mark is... marginally better, but still rather horrible.

Where does this leave us?

Or even better...

I'd go for something simple, like a blue star:

To me, the check mark evokes a ballot, which would imply that a vote has been taken — but recommendations are made by individual moderators without being put to a vote.

A star feels more like when we were kids and the teacher would sometimes bestow a star on the paper of someone who'd done an assignment particularly well. It just seems a more fitting symbol to me.
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Off topic, sorry, but where have our avatars gone? And why is the site all wonky today?

I cannot vote on anything, and can't go into "edit" in any of my stories.

Plus the header bar looks like this:

And I miss the ghost!

Vewy, vewy stwange.
There are discussions about this elsewhere (ahem). I hate it too.
Quote by magnificent1rascal
I'd go for something simple, like a blue star:

Oh, and I love the star!
Have you seen the latest symbol?
Quote by magnificent1rascal

I like the thumbs-up much better than the check mark.

I love the way you've worded that statement.

It's all good fun really.
I agree, it looks much better.
Quote by magnificent1rascal

Also, adding a Recommended Read badge was a nice touch.

You just have a thing for badges...and I agree the thumbs up is much better than that damn check mark...and btw, I just looked, and we now have the thumbs up...not bad, I can live with that one...

I have no idea who thought of the check mark...but, really did not like that one at all...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

The thumbs up is kinda Facebook-y, but I like it. It goes well with the site, I think and it's eye catching without being too obtrusive. The tick made me wanna throw something at the screen.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age