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Over 90 days ago
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War Demons and a Drunk

Just because you're drunk, doesn't mean you aren't to blame.

***Another extremely short micro... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

Permanent Hiatus

Ignorance kills.

No one had known and no one had seen. She was covered only in sterilized, cauterized wounds and somehow that made them less guilty, less damned, than she was for leaving a world that she wasn't needed in. Hated. Ignored. Alone. Terrified. Used. a Sacrific...

---------------------------- This work contains subject matter that some readers may find disturbing. In consideration for our readers who do not wish to encounter this sort of material, Stories Space has hidden the preview of this selection. By choosing...

***This is just here so not all of my story will be shown in the preview, because it is only... thirty-eight words long. I hope you all enjoy it. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~...

Heroes and Victims

My words are fill-ins between song titles

Over the Hills and Far Away, Alyssa Lies to her friends, says the bruise is from a game, she was the Hero with all the Courage, her younger brother the victim. Her friends, with their little-kid imagination, ask what it feels like to fly. Her answer is th...

Light//I See the Light

From another writing site, if you notice, every stanza has a 5-7-5 rhythm-thingy, like haiku...

Heaven's angels can wait. I know now- I'm notready to die yet.I know I'm bleedingout, but how did my wrists getslit? It's all over me...The blood is... it iseverywhere. All around me-shallow pools of red.But there is a knock-at the door. Who could be ther...

Philena- The Box

I'm writing more of her story, so she decided I should write this poem...insanity? Nah...Me = WRITER

------------------------------------- This work contains language and subject matter which some readers may find disturbing or offensive. In consideration, Stories Space has hidden the preview of this selection. By choosing to view the piece in its entire...

These Random Thoughts -At Night-

Kind of goes with Confessions... doesn't it? Ugh, I said I wouldn't submit it...

It's that moment where everything is still and silent in your house. It should be pitch black in your room, but it isn't because of the light you keep on in case of bad nightmares. You look up at the ceiling and wonder if you'll fall asleep tonight. It's...

Standing on her doorstep, an armed man with blood on his hands,  he whispers he needs a place to stay- he didn't do it, but the police are on their way. She looks out, looking for neighbors, when there are none, she pulls him in,  he flashes a smile, then...

Confessions of an Average Teenage Girl

This was very difficult to write and is even more so to post... please be gentle... no harshness...

Sometimes I wanted to cut. I wanted to cut so deep I felt no more and needed no more. And sometimes I wanted to cut so deep I lived no more, but I didn't. I know now that's because I was strong- not saying others are weak, because they aren't- but at the...

What is Love?

This was written at about 4 or 5 in the morning... sorry if it sucks.

You can't be a writer without at least asking once- what is love? Philosophers and Scientists- and hell, even Psychologists!- have been at it for years. Philosophers, well, who ever knows what they think, scientists figure it ties with our instinct to mat...

Anasazi- Manic Depression

How manic depression (now known as bipolar disorder) and drinking affects a young child...

***I want to add something, as an edit, because it has been brought to my attention by a friend on here that this prose-poem could be taken badly. I do not mean, at all that people with manic depression (bipolar disorder) are bad people or should be held...

To be called Kitten, his Kitten- it's not just a pet name, it's not an ownership thing It's a love thing It's a cute thing It's a couple thing It's an unexplainable-feelings thing. I feel protected treasured safe secure comfortable visible beautiful. I fe...