Chocolate fondue!
Clouds in the Sky or Clouds at Sunset?
Haiku and Free Verse are my favorite to write.
I love any kind of poetry to read.
And the genres I enjoy range from the dark, realistic, traumatizing types to (sometimes) lovey-dovey romance stuff.
Right now?
Cassandra Clare - Author of the Mortal Instruments series and the Clockwork trilogy.
Definitely. I found my Andrew on here and I've been with him almost two years. Can't imagine being with anyone else ^.^
Ummm what's your favorite breed of cat?
The German Shepherd mix.
A Bulldog-Shitzu mix or an Akida-German Shepherd mix?
vanilla Coke. I know, I know - at twenty 'til midnight?
If I'm gonna stay up 'til Andrew's done with his doctor's appointment so we can for a little bit...
after getting about four hours of sleep last night...
I need all the sugar and caffeine (combined 'cause they don't work separately) that I can get. Which means vanilla coke and chocolate of some sort. Lol. Not healthy, but, hey, it keeps me awake. Tea does too, but I don't like the bag teas and I'm too lazy to make my loose leaf tea. Soooo pff.
Nope. Never. Fear of heights.
Would you ever...
eat eel?
Hope Walmart calls me.
Yeah, yeah, I know it's Walmart.
Hey, it's a job. Temporary or not, Seasonal or not, it's a job.
I need a job.
I have $10 to last 'til I get a job. Not. Fun. I have a $40 phone bill to pay. I'm gonna owe my parents. Christmas is coming up. Sh#t. My cat needs his claws clipped--bad. D@mn.
Oddly enough... Sunny-D. I never thought I'd like the stuff. Always thought it was weird. But it's pretty cheap at Sam's Club ^.^
Slowly Freaking Out
by Skylar Grey
Every day is
One more inch of
A slow blade sinkin’ in
Vision fading
Inside my own skin
And I’m fighting a stranger in my eyes
And I know that only one of us will survive
If I can’t save us, I’ve got to save myself.
I, I can’t stay
Here in this place
Slowly freaking out
I’m slowly freaking out
I, I can’t breathe
You’re a disease
I’m slowly freaking out
I’m slowly freaking out
And out, and out, again
Stuck like static
This feeling I can’t shake
But just remember
That I warned you
My will can never break.
And I’m fighting a stranger in my eyes
And I know that only one of us will survive
If I can’t save us, I’ve got to save myself.
I, I can’t stay
Here in this place
Slowly freaking out
I’m slowly freaking out
I, I can’t breathe
You’re a disease
I’m slowly freaking out
I’m slowly freaking out
I can’t stay
In this place
I can’t breathe
I, I can’t breathe
You’re a disease
I’m slowly freaking out
I’m slowly freaking out
And out, and out, again
Defend yourself
Chill out
Make friends
He's wrong
People lie
Real Friends
love you
for you,
Others will
laugh and
lie and
fake it.
Learn the
difference and
make real
true friends.
Experiment safely
etcetera etcetera
Autumn, because it holds shorter days and longer nights, beautiful nights.
Because of the colors and the scents, sights and sounds. The holidays of Samhain (Halloween) and Thanksgiving. All the comfort foods containing pumpkin and squash and all these seasonal fruits and veggies. The sharp cold of the air around you mixed with the warmth of the sunlight on your face. The rainy days to wash clean the air. The promise of winter and beyond that the blooming birth of new life in spring.
Angry. It's easier to escape from than sadness. Sadness tends to... linger.
Love or lust?
Hmmm I love playing Phase 10 (card game), but I've been having a chess kick, so I think I'll say board games this time.
Pudding or Jell-O?
hot cocoa. 'Tis cold here.
"I don't need your civil war... It feeds the rich while it buries the poor...
I don't need your civil war, I don't need one more war... I don't need one more war.
What's so civil about war anyway?"
~Guns 'n' Roses, Civil War.