A number of them. Usually involving loved ones who have passed on.
Do you ever want to get a tattoo? If so, what and why?
I don't tend to draft my shorter pieces, and I honestly don't call something a draft until it's finished and then I leave it... then it becomes a first draft or second draft or whatever. Like... Tomorrow... technically this is my second draft of it, but meh. I don't draft chapters, or anything, I just WRITE.
HOWEVER, when working with a non-fiction piece such as a research paper or what have you, I do draft. I have to, or it'll come out like crap.
Surprise ending.
Rylee Preston or Rachel Lynn? (I have one song by each of them in my video gallery)
When I was younger? Hell yes! I believe we all have at one point. But I buy what I need to buy now, if it gets me some odd looks or a little teasing... so what?
Hmmm same.
Mmmm buttery, salty movie-theater popcorn!
Here, Dusty, somethin' a bit more up your ally:
Country Music: old or new?
Hm... in our own secret garden, yes.
Ummm I'm gonna be pesky and ask... have you read my Tomorrow novella-to-be? ('Cause you should... and comment)
Russia. Or Iraq.
What is currently your favorite band/song? (I say currently, because, for me at least, my favorite changes with my mood)
Once I have lost every bit of my mind, maybe. Currently? Nah.
Would you ever... go on a cross-country bike ride (cycling... not a motorcycle)?
Neither, but for the sake of the game, on the surface.
Midnight Oil or Rush?
It is almost 4 am over here, I think I shall go to bed. However, I'll answer you first.
Shrimp cocktail. Though, I won't knock escargos before I try it.
Exotic fish or regular white fish?
Did you mean Riesling? I'll take the 'in' and turn it into...
I've never tried either, but I'd like to try rabbit. (By the way, I prefer frog legs. I know, so cruel)
Is it time for bed or time to get up?
All her energy is spent,
She didn't know what they meant
by all the mean words they said.
They don't know what runs through her head.
She feels so broken, but I think she's just bent.
Chicken legs or Frog legs?