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22 hours ago
United States



Waiting for Your Call

A man wanting more from a relationship.

It is almost midnight on a Saturday night and I am waiting for your call.  This started six weeks ago when you caught your idiot of a boyfriend cheating on you. I happened to be in the neighborhood bar where you wanted to cry and get drunk. You sat next t...

A Lesson Hard Learned

What really makes change.

I went to a Catholic high school and when I was a senior a nun was made the principal. Sister Maureen was put in charge because the diocese wanted to get the sports boosters under control. The school had a very good football team and I understand that the...

My nephew Tristan had come to Denver from Wyoming to visit me on a sunny Saturday. Tristan was in the Air-force and stationed in Wyoming. He would come to visit me when he had time off from his duties, usually on weekends. This particular weekend we decid...

Cat's Cradle, Dog's Crib

A science fiction story with a twist, if more is wanted then I will write more.

The carrier headed out past the edges of the solar system with its escort of six destroyer class ships. The entire carrier group was commanded by an admiral with the carrier as her flagship. The admiral liked to stay on the bridge so she could be in quick...

Goodgulf the Wizard, Ogres and Amazons Part IV

How Goodgulf gets the crown and then escapes.

After I was done showing Nell how important she was to me we lay on the floor holding each other. We had been left alone in the building for several hours and we were both getting a bit hungry. "I wonder how long your mother plans on leaving us alone? The...

I turned very slowly and kept my hands in sight. A very deep female voice rumbled, "Don't move a muscle. What puny male is it that invades the Amazon Domain?" "I am Goodgulf, son of Greatgulf, son of Grandgulf, son of Greatgrandgulf, son of Chuck." I had...

Goodgulf the Wizard, Ogres and Amazons Part II

Goodgulf finds out more of what he needs to do.

The next morning I woke before Nell. I then used a bit of wizardry to move the farmer's outhouse to the new pit. No use in contaminating the well after I had purified it last night but then I recast the purification spell because I had a sneaking suspicio...

I was sitting in my favorite tavern in the small town of Chicken Butt Flats, minding my own business enjoying a good pint of cold beer (I used wizardry to chill the beer, I can't stand it warm) when in walked three ogres.Now we get all sorts of beings in...