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Over 90 days ago



I feel young, pretty and free. Strong, healthy and so not me. Large, loud and proud. I want to scream it to a crowd. I don't feel sad, down or depressed. Those feelings are just a mess. Come with me into the light. Let our souls, minds and hearts take fli...

She lifted her head upwards to the blackened heavens. Her gaze fell upon the twinkling stars of the late evening. Her mind deep in troubled thoughts. As she watched the light show in the sky. She glanced away. A single tear wept from her eyes as she flick...

I feel something smothering me, a dark shadow. Maid, chef, medic aid, nothing more. Useless, boring, pathetic, is what you see. See me for who I am, not what I seem to be. Mother I am no doubt, but person still I be. I feel, I grow, I'm something special,...

Not a single thought of me crossed your mind. The tormenting dreams filling my head. You blissfully unaware of my discomfort. Sorrow and hollow within my chest. You are nowhere to be seen. I stupidly wait in anticipation and longing. Nothing showing but y...

The Cost Of Love

Lovey Dovey stuff

When one heart seeks another it cannot hide. Wanting, needing, longing for its partner. When two hearts collide the feelings cannot be denied. Two beat as one and the one beats for it's other. Nothing feels like the pounding joy of love. True love cannot...


Just another poem

My heart flutters at the thought of you. My mind wanders of you while I seek the stars. My dreams are filled with your presence. I want you, I need you but I don't love you. My body aches for yours. As yours does for mine. My dreams torment me so. I wake...


When you loose someone it breaks you inside

Sometimes you have to say goodbye, Even though you don't want to. The sad and sorrow hurts so bad, But it's part of the healing process. As the days go by the pain may lessen, But they will never leave your heart. Acting out and shutting down is part of t...


I was feeling really low one night

Fallen upon blended knees, she wails her sorrow into the frozen night air. Why does she bother, she does not know. The more she bares her heart to another and is rejected, a tiny part of it shrivels and dies. Till one day nothing will be left alive. She w...

A Promise Broken

A promise broken by a so called friend

Heart torn, dreams shattered, hopes dashed. Despair and loneliness slowly seeping in. Chest pain, brain numb, anger rising Lies and half truths told, seemingly endless. Bitter, hate, lashing outward to you. You feel bad but not as much as I. You swore you...