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Over 90 days ago


I'm a single stay at home mum of two. I love getting tattoo's which i currently have... lets say four but planning on more. I don't get out much and i'm not much of a people person but i do try.

I love to read and write. My friends and family tell me i have a talent for spinning a tale. I write mostly adult stories (mostly requested by males friends) poetry, and supernatural stories.

Favorite Books
My favorite books would be the Twilight set... kinda lame i know,
Goosebumps.... i really use to love them,
Wicca series, and so much more,
Anything to do with supernatural and romance too.

Favorite Authors
My favorite authors are like me, amateurs.

Favorite Movies
I love horrors, thrillers and very few romance.... besides i'd rather read a book.

Favorite TV Shows
Soooo many, but heres a few to get what i like:
Bones, CSI, NCIS, Castle, Moonlight (sad there was only one series to that), Buffy, Angel and sooooooooooo on. You get the point, right.

Favorite Music
I was brought up on OLD stuff like the 60s, 70s, and so on. Not much of a music person unless i in a bad mood and then it's heavy metal all the way.
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It didn't take the prince long to find Snow White. As he entered the small hut of a house, he could smell freshly made tea. And sure enough, there sat his fair lady sipping from a tea cup, with a body split in two beside her. “How did you find me?” Asked Snow White. “All the animals have returned from hiding, my fair lady, so I figured there was no one left in the forest to disturb them.” Said the prince as he bowed. The...

Snow White was wandering around looking for something to take the next little man out with when she stumbled down a huge hole. Looking up from the hole, she knew if she could get some sharp sticks this would be perfect as a pit. Climbing out, she set off to find some large sharp sticks. Once she found ten sticks, she was happy with, she stuck the blunt end in the bottom of the hole and moved onto the next. In no time at a...

Part 3 Snow White ran until she tripped over the skirt of her night gown and fell to the ground. Getting up, she looked down at her tatted clothes. Then she had an idea. Searching around her, she found a vine and ripped it from a nearby tree. Next she pulled at the top half of her night gown and separated the top from the skirt, making it two parts. Then she turned her skirt around and ripped from the bottom to the top. T...