Well, i love most of my works just wish I have the passion to finish them, how ever there are some that i don't really like, but i write anyways so people dont start asking why haven't i been writing more. I dislike almost all of my poems, because i never really liked poems, but when I write a poem it seems like eithervI forced it, or it was going smoothly until someone disturbed me and the beautiful thought is lost. Upon contrary belif, once that thought is gone, it wont come back again,
Now the complete horrendous stuff, I don't even bother with it anymore. I tear it apart and recycle the elements of the story i liked. And in the end i have to wait and see if others like it as well. And so far they say they do, so i must be doing something right? Idk.
I tend to not show much of my stuff as I write for therapy, not to display.
A lot of what I write is venting, getting rid of the things that anger and annoy me in a safe and non-destructive manner. It was a method I was taught many years ago and, most of the time, it works well. It does maean that most of my writing is quite nasty and hard to read and not fit for publication anyway.
I try to write with feeling, but as many know I do not express what I want. I do have some things I am very proud of and to this day if I read them I cry. there are feelings I had to express and had to share . Some of my words are terrible and after I read them again I think why or why did I not tell it different. hehe
I hope that some get the meaning I am trying so hard to express and share will come out and some will understand me better. .
most of my words are true to a point. I am dreaming or a memory that will not leave me or be put away.
So all in all I am still searching my mind for that one piece that I need to express. it is there, I cant find the words not just yet....
I have to say, this is an interesting thread. I enjoyed reading everyone's answers.
I have not posted a story I did not like. I have worked on a couple of dozen things that never panned out, but I would not post them. Maybe someday I might think of a way to make them worthwhile.
I am super critical of my own writing. I keep changing it again and again trying to get it just right, but at some point I have to stop when I'm not making helpful changes. It is common for me to do 5-10 rewrites of a piece before I submit it.
Even then I still notice every single little bit that I feel is not just right. A word grouping, phasing, or word choice that I feel could be better. Organizing the story's flow and pace, especially in my Sci-Fi stories.
I often find it difficult to go back and read some of my work because I see the possible potential I did not quite reach.
I think my stories are good and a few very good, but I have not written the story yet that everything fell into place. A story that people read and go WOW. I may never, but I think I can if I keep getting better.
The people on Stories Space have made me such a much better writer with their advise and examples. I look at my earliest few stories compared to what I do now, and I can only thank all my friends for their help and support.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there. I'm never satisfied. I always see room for improvement each and every time I do a read.
I have to sometimes make myself let it go.
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Being new here, and someone who has not frequently shared my writing (and gone through years and years where I did no creative writing), I am really enjoying what I am doing and what I am writing. I tend to be particularly fond of a specific turn of phrase within a work, and find myself thinking of it over and over -- rather than feeling strongly about an entire piece. I doubt that I will ever create a piece that will thrill me entirely, beginning to end, but there is a certain elation about putting a piece out there, liking it well enough myself, and not being fearful of what others will say.
When I started to write again, I didn't care. I wrote to get things of my chest and out of my system. I usually didn't even have a clue aboutr what I was going to write, it sort of just happened. I usually would not look at it twice, I just submitted what flowed out of my fingers. Only once did I edit in those days and that was, because a moderator pointed out to me, that it was really bad, and showed me, how to make it good. I wasn't looking for scores either. Even if there was only one person to read it, that would have been ok. I had shared it then, and that was the purpose. Gradually, as I wrote more, I started to enjoy the fact, that people liked what I wrote, and I started to look at my work a little differently. Looking back, I can say, that I like almost everything I wrote. Of course there are some, I like more than others. Ramble, My Poetry, Clicketyclick clicketyclack, Encore!, Eight Hearts, Tiny and Slow Motion are the ones I like best.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Depends on what writing at the time and usually after I have re-read it later is when I find the ones I like
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way.
- Bob Dylan
I won't post anything I don't like. I haven't written much just been immersed in the world of writing all my life. Like being caught in a whirl pool and not noticing anything besides going round and round.
I do rewrites, more now than ever. But I do just let the story flow out and that is it. This especially true of my poetry. I will sometimes rework a poem to death and that usually means trash it.
I like this thread. I think one learns more from the feed back of peers who are both readers and writers is extremely valuable. SS also has a very healthy climate for open criticism without it being a personal attack and that makes for a great safe zone to sort of float a new idea or style to see what happens.Y5mTlK9y3sy81JJQ
May your parchment be smooth, your ink never blot, and your writing never block.
Usually, I like what I write. However, there are times when I wish I would have said it different. I'm probably viewed as a poet. In reality, I prefer writing stories. Usually of the dark kind or just silly ones. I love to write in collaborations also.
I like everything I've completed. Unfortunately, I post before finishing it. I need a two-week waiting period.
On this site I have only sort to have posted pieces I personally like. Elsewhere there is one poem that was accepted that I have never been happy with. I have toyed with deleting it but haven't, as peeps seem to read it from time to time and the comments they leave are, in general, favourable.
Has anyone else noticed that sometimes a piece of work you thought was really good gets a poor reception yet a piece you classed as average goes bananas?
I have learnt their is no accounting for taste. Write, publish and leave the rest to providence.
I generally am quite pleased with it at the time I post it. However, I am hideously self-critical and tend to tear my old stories to shreds when I re-read them. Doesn't mean I don't like them. More like I wish I had spent more time obsessing over them. If I did that, though, I wouldn't have close to 50 stories between the two sites I am on.
The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.
Dash - Writer's Block competition entry
For the most part, the quality of my work depends on the subject matter, my emotional state, and the urgency I feel to post something. I have found that my work is much better if it flows naturally in its own time rather than doing it because it's been a while since I last posted.
Judging my own work if not easy for me. And you can't really 'trust' the kind folks who have collected around you to support you. But you do notice if not a lot of the 'big guns' read your work, never have, and never will. It does give you an idea that your work is on the cusp of 'okay' and 'not okay'.
But I still have pieces that bring me to tears when I happen to read them once again. That's good enough for me.
It's all about the pleasure of creation and the pleasure one gives to others in the end. And that pleasure has never left me to this point.