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The Bloated Garabula Interstellar Beast

About a rather comical interstellar creature having trouble with its diet. .

The adolescent, Bloated Garabula Interstellar Beast, as he eventually and derisively came to be referred to by Garabulas and non-Garabulas alike, had gradually become exceedingly obese. Why? Simple. Twas because this particular Garabula Interstellar Beast...

Wooden candle wicks tea lights of the dwindling poetic lilac and scented old books leaving shadows in the ointment on pages of Poe whispering to Lenore

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45 Views 45
26 words 26 words

The Lance Saga Exordium - Origins of the End

The dawn of Lance, a super augmented soldier with nearly unlimited power who plans to end all life with no conscience or remorse!

He wasn't born, he had no parents, no family. He was created. Created by the Centuri Delegates, a secret organization at the heart of the Deag23 government, one of the major rulers in this part of the known Universe. They used technology far beyond what m...

I try so very hard to understand. Why? Why me? Then why not me? So confused. I must do better. You see, the last three weeks my health has bothered me. Why try to move when it hurts so bad? I have to get better. For me. I don't have you anymore. Only me....

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81 Views 81
75 words 75 words

The Broken Machine

The tragedy of the tradesmen.

Clanking, banging, jiggling the rusted bolts, the machine breaks but meanders to the chore Going forth into the forge, the flames melting the gourmets, the tracks baron form the many miles It springs a leak, the oil, the lifeblood spilling on the concrete...

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194 words 194 words

The Meadow I walked across a meadow once, where phlox and daisies grew, their brightly colored petals lightly dipped in morning dew. A tender carpet woven from the blades of grassy green, where nature tossed some sprigs of moss to fill the in-between. The...

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121 Views 121
307 words 307 words

It’s been two moons since I’ve heard your voice Not even your laughs could mask your choice Strained and hollow in your muted tone A far cry from the person I’ve known A wit once as sharp as a freshly forged blade, Has since drastically dulled and decayed...

Love is Like the Wind

Inspired by a song

Love is like the wind, you once told me, your voice a soft caress carrying secrets on dawn's breath. We danced in its embrace, two leaves caught in a breeze, spinning together, our touch light as air, yet deep as the sky's expanse, like the passing wind,...

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Wooden candle wicks tea lights of the dwindling poetic lilac and scented old books leaving shadows in the ointment on pages of Poe whispering to Lenore

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45 Views 45
26 words 26 words

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The Fall

Do you know how it feels to fall in love?

In a magical land far far away, fairy tales make the headlines on a daily basis. Seldom sad endings, mostly happily ever after. Everyone was special if they believed. I wanted to be famous; I wanted them to sing songs and tell tales about me long after my...

As I sit and look out my window I see the snow falling. The stillness of the night as the moon reflects on the snow covered trees gives off a kind of magical feeling. I start to daydream of my youth, when I was in awe of each new thing. Oh, how I would dr...

The Therian: Chapter One

"Above all watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you."

Lily jerked awake, barely registering the chorus of the song playing on the radio, and the white noise sounds cars made while on the move. She was dreaming about running through the forest. Something was chasing her, and she was all alone. She shook it of...