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Unique Stories



I went too far when I began knifing my pain into a bleeding puddle

I went too far when I stripped myself of dignity and pride I went too far when I began knifing my pain into a bleeding puddle Just so I could compete for your affection So engulfed by you that I was willing to harm my sanity Into body dysmorphism I would kneel and wash your feet with my tears Kissing your hands as if it was a rite I went too far when I sold myself, cheaply When I gave my soul wholeheartedly to the grim re...

Soul Unique

Soul unique and beautifully perfect

Everything society finds to be rational,is simply a revelation,or an interpretation of another's expressions,or beliefs. To be true to one's self,one has to look deep inside.Not hide real feelings and our way of life.By accepting the interpretations of others,as truth for anyone but the interpreter. We each know what is correct for us.We each feel in different ways.What is spot on for another,is not necessarily true for e...

The leprechaun sat by the tree in complete dismay, chained and cursed by his people.In their coming of age, leprechauns prove their worth to their kind by transforming stone into gold through mere touch. Each one is capable of doing it,  but the degree of purity varies. Those with purer feelings make the purest of gold.“I felt your touch, but your feelings are too strong and pure for gold.” A female’s voice echoed.  The l...

I Drank poetry

Its geniusly creative

Bartender Pour me some more Let me stumble through the back door Let the police Smell the poignant aroma of rhythm and blues Collide with my Genius creative expression Handcuff me for resisting being silent Check my breath for the bubbles of a drunken poet Spitting up words and rhymes Expressively with profanity of poetry Charge me with intoxication Verbal sensation Before the judge I plea guilty Poetic confinement recomm...