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Undead Stories


The Healer's Secret

Nightmares force a healer to deal with a past she hoped was over

Prologue - The Fall Artanna stood quietly on a hill and watched the great tower of Tan Kolar fall. Around the collapsing structure, smoke and flames rose from the Night Lord’s palace. A battle raged outside the high walls of black stone as the tattered remnants of the Army of Night fought the forces of the Great Alliance. She knew that the Night Lord’s army, a horde of corpses and suits of empty armour animated by dark sp...


Halls of Amenti

An American fortune hunter finds more than treasure in some ancient desert ruins.

Then for a dwelling place, far 'neath the earth crust, blasted great spaces they by their power, spaces apart from the children of men.  Surrounded them by forces and power,  shielded from harm they the Halls of the Dead.                                        - The Emerald Tablets of Thoth      I was once told by a friend that the desert was a terrible, unforgiving place. He wasn’t wrong.   In the end, though my pride as...

The Nerd of Moe and the Sage of Copper

A playful poem precisely pointed around producing perseverance.

In the valley of Moethere's a town you never heardwhere it'd always snowtill a plague quite absurdtumbled from the downspokeand sliced off the headsof all the townsfolkwho dashed around like undeads.With the town disabled,a copper sage cameand overtook the fabled.He was the one to blamefor the sharp windthat fell upon the townand did them all in.On a throne, he sat downHe had his foxescollect all the capsand store them in...