I am aspiring to be writer. The type of stories I tend to lean toward are light fiction in sci-fi and fanasty.
Interests I am seeking into developing my skills writing, obvously, and movie making, among other things.
Favorite Books Fantasty goes to Lewis Carol's 'Alice' series. Realism goes to "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Favorite Authors None at the moment.
Favorite Movies Studio Ghibli, Pixar, old fashion Disney and the new Disney that forms under Lasseter's name. the Sound of Music, Forrest Gump, Finding Neverland, and unnamed others.
Favorite Music I get tired of repitious lyrics on the radio, although I can enjoy the songs. but I sat up the playlist to play some of favorites that I inspired me, make me feel, or just deemed them worthy; other then those that can be heard on a monthy basis; these are mostly wordless music from soundtracks of movies. I believe in this type of music much more because it's wordlessness allows the message to be as diverse as the listener's mood, thoughts, memories, mental context, etc. beforehand. this making the playlist into a sort of musical gumball machine, in which entering my profile page entices a random tune or flavor, if you may.