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Space travel Stories

space travel

The President extended her hand. "On Earth, this is a symbol of friendship." Standing by the open panel door just inside their spacecraft, the contingency of aliens examined her hand curiously for a moment. Hesitantly, the one in front mimicked the gesture taking her hand. When the President shook its hand, there was great applause amongst all the world's leaders and people of influence gathered in the open field. The Pre...


I realized, just around the time I was approaching Saturn, that I’d forgotten to have my mail stopped.It’s very cold there, even if you’re dressed in lots of layers and wear your Snuggie.If you think living someplace where the weather is the same all year ‘round is tedious, let me tell you, it’s a hell of a lot better than the vacuum of space.I’d finished up reading all the magazines I’d brought along way sooner than I th...

The Alien Concept - Chapter Two

Walking among you, out of sight and in the open...

UnleashedOver the years, since the destruction of Auraea, we had been regarded within our people with awe and envy. Our powers were unique and rare, and many expressed the desire at times to possess it. But, if they knew what having our gifts was truly like, then they might think twice. Fyan’s do not reproduce easily, long-living as we are, as our physiology is changeable and indescribably complex, even to our own doctors...

The Alien Concept - Chapter One

Walking among you, out of sight and in the open...

Unique“Are you sure of the transmissions’ origin?” Andreat and I paused when Elder Kael’s voice drifted out from the control room, the concerned, troubled catch causing us to glance at each other. “Yes, Hyash-Ran*, the co-ordinates are very clear. It came from Carzan.” Carzan. The Cyrian’s home galaxy. Andreat’s mind, always open to me, shared her shock and fear with my own. “Then they are on their way here, if not here a...

The Alien Concept - Prologue

Walking among you, out of sight and in the open...

At the End...The sky was beautiful that day. That is one thing I remember very well, through all the horror and sadness that followed, sometimes it is that one small detail, that one infinitesimal memory of that day, before everything went so wrong, so terrible, that gets me through the day. It was so vivid. The colour, the vast expanse of that bright shade, which unfairly only occurs on this single planet, out of hundred...