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0 miles · Springfield


Updated 11 February 2025

Who am I? 

A woman who emphasizes her femininity, unlike many of her peers, sadly.

A woman who loves wearing skirts/blouses and dresses (as opposed to pants/shorts), which I wear every opportunity I get.  My job required that I wear business attire and that is what I normally wear, both at work and on dates. Since the birth of my twin daughters, I have stepped back from my career in favor of my family. That means less opportunity to dress up than previously; the hardest part of stepping back.

A tall woman blessed with long legs which I show off in nylons and heels (no more than 3-4in. though).  That includes work, dates, church, and special occasions such weddings.

I am ---

A devoted mother. My daughter Adelaide "Adie"  Rose was born on 9 June 2020. She is the love of my life. I’m still getting used to being a first-time mom.  In early December, 2021 I found out that I was carrying twins. The best Christmas present an expectant mom-to-be could have!  Allison ("Alie") Leigh and Abigail ("Abie") Madeline came into the world early morning, 11 June 2022, 3 weeks early.   Now a mom of beautiful three girls.  I will raising my girls to embrace their femininity while also striving to reach their fullest potential and to pursue their dreams.

A loving wife. I married my husband in June 2019.  I’m happily married - very happily married - committed 100% to my wonderful husband and our three daughters.

A dog lover. My pit-bull/boxer mix was twelve years old in June; we’ve had him since he was a 4-week old puppy.

A lover of nature. I thoroughly enjoy being outside, taking long walks in the woods with my family.  I am most definitely a tree lover and an environmentalist.  Climate change is real folks.  We're destroying the only planet we have to live on.

I'm educated, or at least I like to think that I am.  I possess undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. I like learning new things.

Why am I here?

I thought I’d try my hand at writing which isn’t easy for me.  Especially fiction which I avoided as much as possible in college.

Because of the nature of my profession (typically 12-14 hour days) and the demands of my family, my writing has been sporadic and I’m not a prolific as I would like to be. I need uninterrupted time to write, something that is a treasured commodity at this moment in my life.

I want to improve my writing ability and hopefully, I do a little with each story.  However, writing is not a natural gift or talent of mine. My writing tends to be detail-oriented and based on my own experiences or the experiences of those I have been around and know or knew second-hand.

If you read one of my stories, please comment on it. Let me know what you liked about the story, what you disliked about it. Don’t be afraid to be critical. I can’t improve if I don’t receive honest critiques. If you rather not comment publicly and you’d be more comfortable, send me a message. I don’t bite, well usually, and if I do, just playfully!

I would, at some point, like to earn a Prolific Writer badge – I think I can write in 80% of the categories – eventually.

To meet new friends in StoriesSpace. Time permitting, I will chat with anyone, male or female, who likes to chat about life or writing.  Because of my work schedule and relatively long hours, you'll often find me invisible and away. Don't let that fool you - I try to check in two or three times during the day. I find it difficult to find time for extended chats and rarely do so. The best way to communicate with me though is to send me a message. I promise I will read and answer every message I get. The key to a successful friendship with me is – honesty, openness, trust, and commitment. Friendships, whether in the real world or the virtual world, as in StoriesSpace, aren’t easy. They require work and communication. If I say something that you find uncomfortable, LET ME KNOW! I consider myself fairly intelligent and can be opinionated. On occasion, my verbal impulsiveness can be to my detriment.

What Else? I hate Drama! Please leave your drama home. Don’t try to include me in it. Life is hard enough without getting emotionally drained by drama. If you’re a drama king or queen, I’m not your girl. I come to Lush to relax, not get emotionally upset. Be calm, be respectful.

Certain words are instant turn-off – and I don’t think I need to tell you, be respectful to everyone.  Don’t ever to treat me – or anyone else disrespectfully.


I like to travel. I've been to every state except Alaska. I've been to Canada, most of Western Europe, and Israel as well as Japan and Korea. I love reading (see below). 

I run eight miles/day or at least try to with a 50-55 minute pace. 

I love spending time with my 12-year-old Pit Bull-Boxer mix.  He is as much a part of our family as my husband and daughters.

I own a 2018 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited 115th Anniversary Edition which I love to ride.  I previously owned a 2006 Harley Davidson Sportster (with over 25,000 miles on it at trade-in) and a 2013 Harley Davidson Ultra Limited which had over 83,500 original miles on it. Proud owner of the Harley Owners' Group 125,000 mile patch and bike medallion (given to riders every 100,000 miles).   My husband also is an avid rider. We've ridden as far west (so far) as Wyoming and states south and east.  Needless to say, motorcycle riding is now rarer as we strive to be the best possible parents to our daughters

I like all winter sports, skiing, ice skating. Hockey is my favorite winter sport to watch and I'm a die-hard fan of the Washington Capitals - I'm so happy for them winning their FIRST Stanley Cup in 2018! 

Pretty proud of our Nationals for taking the American League pennant. Washington's first pennant since 1932. Also rather taken the WNBA champions, the Washington Mystics.

Favorite Books

I will read almost anything non-fiction (and usually am) but gravitate towards science and history. Currently reading Simon Winchester's "Land: How the Hunger for Ownership Shaped the Modern World" which postulates how the quest for ownership of land and its exclusionary practices has set the scene for many things afflicting modern society including perpetuating racism among other things. We're still facing the results of their efforts today. Fiction has never been a draw for me, although I've kind of noticed that the best writers here in StoriesSpace seem to have a good background in the classics of literature. Perhaps I need to expand my reading horizons?

Favorite Authors

Asimov. Bradbury. Hawking. Many others too numerous to mention. I have a personal library of over 3,000 volumes. Definitely prefer a real book in my hands rather than an E-book. There's just something about the feel of holding a real book.

Favorite Movies

I like all the Star Trek movies, all the Star War movies, Romancing the Stone, The Jewel of the Nile, the original Indiana Jones trilogy, Van Helsing, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Anything Clint Eastwood. James Bond with Sean Connery, Roger Moore and Pierce Bronson, Sweet Home Alabama. There are many others too numerous to mention. I'm usually not a fan of remakes of older movies. For example, the original True Grit beats the remake hands-down. There's no comparison.  However, I will say, my husband and I haven't been to a theater movie in years (over a decade at least).  I can wait until they come on television.

Favorite TV Shows

I don't watch much TV now and recently deactivated my cable connection. In the past an avid fan of both Star Trek the Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager. Also, MASH and Fraiser are timeless.

Favorite Music

I like to think I have an eclectic taste in music. I'm especially drawn to Classical music, especially the baroque. Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Corelli. Old-time country artists such as Marty Robbins, Tanya Tucker, Loretta Lynne, Johnny Cash, George Strait. Love Alan Jackson. New age, David Arkenstone, Kitaro, Enya, Ah Ne Mah. Classic Rock, Moody Blues (Nights in White Satin), Boston (Dust in the Wind), The Animals (House of the Rising Sun), Zager and Evans (In the Year 2525), Stevie Nicks (Sleeping Angel), Led Zeppelin (Stairway to Heaven), Toto (Africa), music from the Clint Eastwood Movies - Fistful of Dollars; The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. The only genre I can say doesn't work for me is Rap. Just doesn't resonate with me for whatever reason. Not a huge fan of Hip-Hop either.


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