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Riddle Stories


Eggs Paradox

... a new way to cook eggs....

A Professor enters his Philosophy class with unexpected supplies for this lecture. He has a chicken, a time machine, and a hotplate. “Professor, what is all that for?” a student asks. “Today’s Lecture is Going to be about the Concept of Time. Observe!” The professor then proceeds to put the chicken into the time machine and turns the dial back. For what felt like seconds later for them at least, years had passed for the c...

What is the Smartest Letter of the Alphabet?

A sort of silly poem I had to write as part of a Creative Writing course I took in 10th grade.

I imagine it to be the last in queue: a line first, then a diagonal cross that leaves you astonished, amazed that later melts into a familiar line, just a simple little line. almost as knowing as a human, it can hide very well; its siblings s and c are mentioned frequently, and display the same jingle, the same bell sound, but still it remains in hiding, waiting knowing not to come out too frequently, so that it is never...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 16

The old castle reveals more than just ruins

Chapter 16 The Brainstorm “This is our horse!” screams my husband. “We caught him in the field! Finders keepers!” answers the man who played the guitar, as he turns his back to us, and joins the crowd. As they walk by us, Sarji winks at me. He’d wave with his hoof, but for all the people too close to him! “Oh, no, you didn’t!” Iris, pulling out his sword, is getting ready to go after them to fight for our horse, when Sada...