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Prom Stories


After breakfast on Sunday Amber did a quick count of her ready cash, she had more than enough for her needs. She then spent a few hours online searching for a cab service and found one to suit her schedule.Later in the afternoon she contacted Aunt Helen and advised her that she would visit the dress shop on Monday. Her parents expressed apprehension at her taking a cab with an infant, but Amber remained steadfast on her d...

Spring break finally ended and Ally returned to college. She had given Amber a list of exercises to perform using the baby carrier instead of weights and put her on a three days on and two off regime. It was similar to the same routine she used and gave her great results.With the end of the break Bruce now devoted the bulk of his free time between work and studying for his finals, so he only saw Amber on the weekends. He...

When not working or spending time with Amber, Bruce was preparing for finals, graduation and the summer. He had checked out a few local colleges that would allow him to live at home so he could continue working at the restaurant and that way his dad wouldn't have to foot the whole cost for college. He sometimes wondered if college was the wisest choice for him. There were so many local positions that paid well and did not...

As soon as Bruce pulled out of the driveway Amber bounded into the living room to tell her folks that she had been asked to be his prom date.  "Yes, we know," Mom replied. "How do you know?" "He asked us if he could invite you because he knew we would be babysitting that night," her Dad chimed in. Before she could comment further, the baby monitor on the end table let them know that Lea was up and needed attention and Amb...

A Special Prom

For students with special needs, this prom is an extraordinary experience!

It’s prom season, and many young people are getting all dressed up and heading to their prom. It is an important rite of passage for many teens to attend their prom, but there is a segment of the population that seldom is included in the festivities surrounding the prom, special needs students. These students are unable to attend their high school proms because of their special conditions and circumstances. For some it is...


What I dreamt of... what's actually probably going to happen...

Purple gown down to the floor silver accents brought out by silver pumps and clutch handsome man by my side opens the door lets me in first first song slow song dance close together kiss dance goes by quickly... homeward bound we are goodnight kiss gushy re-telling to mom angry dad sleep. *** vintage dress to my knees cute clutch night-time shoes accessories bring out darker accents crazy friends all around through the do...

Ah, the high school prom A rite of passage For those In high school. The young ladies: Spa treatment Hair, gossip, Nails, And the Perfect prom dress. The young men: Fresh haircut, Rented vehicle Or cleaned out Vehicle Brand new tuxes Shined shoes Corsages for Their dates. Pictures taken By parents Off they go. Music blasting In the ballrooms Friends check out Each other’s clothes Pictures upon Pictures are taken Votes for...