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Old man Stories

old man

He Aches No More

The old man moved slowly but with surprising grace.

His joints ached, his vision wasn't great, and say nothing about his hearing because he won't hear you.  The stooped-over old man looked like a gnarled oak, but always had a smile for everyone.  Once there was a time he could have lived forever, barring an accident or a firewood shortage. He lived more within his memories than reality nowadays.  She re-appeared before him, as beautiful as when he was a boy.  She held out...

He’s been waiting for this day to come for a very long time. Half his life. He’s spent countless hours over the years tracking her down.  She’s married to a wealthy man and lives on the coastline of Massachusetts. She’s a professor of Spanish at a small college.  Ironically, when they were together she spoke no English. But things change. Life changes things. And today the old man will change.  He’s going to see her today...

An Old Man's Search

He searches, but will he find?

There was a man,a man with a can.A man with a can and a plan.This man, he collected money,this man, he collected smiles,but deep inside him was fear.Fear of rejection,fear of death,fear of not living to see his daughter again.He collected cash,sold his possessions,yet still he had not enough. He hitch-hiked his way across the plains,those vast, unending desert plains,those vast, unending, unforgiving desert plains,he walk...

The Perfect Train Set

An old man needs one last thing to complete his train set but it will cost more than he thinks.

Jim jumped to his feet when the doorbell rang, not an easy task at his age. He could picture Marjorie in the kitchen rolling her eyes, wondering how much this one cost. He wondered what would happen if he ever told her she only had herself to blame. She’d bought him a train set for their fifth anniversary, back when they were happy together. If divorce hadn’t been a forbidden word he knew she’d have gone by now. But peopl...