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Message Stories


His finger hovered over the enter key. The cursor blinked. Flash. Flash. Rhythmic. Soothing. Calmly urging. His finger flitted upwards and pressed down. The line of text disappeared. He typed again. Thoughts flowed down his arms to his fingers, to the keys, to the screen. After brief and fervent animation he paused, still as a statue. Flash. Flash. He blinked. The cursor blinked back. "Decide," it blinked. Indecision tore...

Lover, how could we have knownthis time last year, that you would not be here. That time would have run out. We planned on forever, today should have been the beginning and yet, our forever ended some time ago. They say time heals all wounds, and perhaps that is true. But enough time has not elapsed to ease the pain of you leaving me. Here I sit, upon this white sand as the storm moves in, the sky is dark, water rolling i...

Message in a Bottle

In a bottle to the sea, my dreams are placed.

You're my friend and I am pleased.Be in my thoughts and in my heart; happiness is within our grasp. A heart so pure,writes these verses,and they will be tossed. Into a bottle they go,at the sandy shore,hoping my dreams to grow. Distances I do not see,and in my life, a beacon you are.This message to the stars,perhaps to give us a chance.Otherwise ... it's just time. Longing for a sweet loveif only in a dream...Eden can be...

Walking along the beach staring out over the waves. The sun slowly setting As a gentle breeze blows salt onto our lips. I feel your arms tighten pulling me against you. My foot catches on something And I fall, landing on the soft sand. Looking back, I notice a bottle I pick it up and go to place it in my bag when I notice a piece of paper inside. Curiousity getting the better of me I just had to open it Tapping it gently...

Gidealis Enigma Chapter 42

Look for a woman, find a lot of unexpected stuff... Or is that how it goes?

Chapter 42 A Trap or a Blessing? The cave opens up and the ship flies out into the dark-blue heavy skies. I can see on the other screen, that we’re leaving Crumbling Rose very quickly in a whirlwind of disturbed ragged clouds. Apparently Moro switches off the shield that prevents my own ship Arileot14 from leaving and anything else to get inside. This is my much-desired break! Oh, Gosh, I’m so happy. What is the chance, t...

A Promise Of Destiny

Stay Strong, Everyone

''Deliver the message, become famous, make a movie , then push your philosophy...'' Married ManA time then cameWhen doubt forged a nameAlone at the desk, I blankly stare at this messA vision so blurry, unlike beforeDecades of writing, the world has not seenYears of injustice, finally in retreatNo more will I stay Mentally driven, wounded heart at bayA glance to the left A smile received The next thing I knewIt was a dream...

I think there must be a million birds Outside my window today Urgently squeaking and squalling and calling Like they have something salient to say My brief experiences with these creatures Have always been the same Move within five feet of them And they scuttle and fly away; But not today Noisy rabblerousing by the children next door Should cause the skittish critters alarm Yet they lackadaisically amble under the shade o...