I was watching, amused, as two girls had a tiff over one of the activity boards. One of the girls stood up and made to walk away. The other girl said something I couldn't make out. The girl who was standing turned around, put her hands on her hips and declared loud and proud, "Don't care, grumpy bear!" then she stormed off in dramatic four-year-old fashion. That's a great line. I'm using that in any future tiffs or arguments I have. That's brilliant.
On another bear related note, someone must have been staring at another child too long, because this child cast a rather annoyed look at her friend and then she said, "What are you looking at, stare bear?" which I suppose is the equivalent to what I used to say as a child. "Take a picture it'll last longer."
Both of these lines are genius. I'm going to start spreading the word. Viva La Grumpy Bear Revolution!