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Intimacy Stories


Elusive Lady

The febrile dreams of a disordered mind

How desperately he wished he understood her,The elusive lady who had stolen his heart,But every time he thought she was within his graspOnce more she seemed to vanish into the shadows,Leaving him to flounder in the darkness of doubt.There were many times when the flame of her presenceBurned so intensely it threatened to consume him;Days and nights when they rode on a wave of passion,Carrying him aloft on a tide of rapture...

My love, you looked so radiant tonight,Seated at your dresser combing your hair,Crowned with a bright golden halo of lightFrom the lamp on the stand beside your chair.Though you demur, I only speak the truthWhen I declare, that ‘spite of time, your faceHas never lost the rosy bloom of youth,And though the passing years have left their trace,Those marks of grace serve merely to enhanceThe beauty that was nature’s gift to y...

Of Love and Peristalsis

A man recalls the incredible night when mutual love was released.

Silently we touched in bed.I offered you my shoulder and you laid down your head.I celebrated the smell of your skin and your hair.I thanked god Himself that you were there!And then for the first time it became quite clear.I realized what a treasure you were, my dear.I knew because of what you did and did not do.And I knew that I was totally in love with you.What soon unfolded was a magical eventthat was profound yet inno...


unmet urges

I have a hunger inside me. A need.. an urge that never goes away. It is a constant force driving me to you. Wanting to know your every desire and dream. A craving to explore and copulate endlessly with you. Until you whisper.. “enough”. There is no escape for either of us. I don’t know who you are. Yet you are always there. A glance into the car beside me at the light. A full affair as my cart passes yours in the grocery....