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Fatigue Stories


The Little Bliss

Just remember the bliss

Slowly rising. Slowly standing up. Slowly ascending, descending the stairs. Slowly and carefully. This is the way of the world for you now. And still the head is light. The sparkles are spinning, flying free. Up above the fray.  Leaning over, leaning down, forehead resting on your arms. Blood flowing back into your head. Surging out of your heart. Through your wretched flesh. A temporary trance, filling your mind with som...

Medicine for Melancholia

So much to do, so little time, so weary and weak

"We'll head out on Monday, spend the night in the next state, tour the park all day." "Oh, not been there." "Right, next day to the next state and the next park. Spend the night and take a couple of days to tour that park." "Sure you can do this?" Immediate response. "Sure, I'm fine. Just need to take my time and rest." Tired. Weary. In body and spirit. The alleyways of the mind are dark and dank. So tired. "I'll be fine....

There are times when I feel dreadfully alone. My heart aches and feels as if its lonely beating will pound right through my chest. Like it will tear through my fatigued body. Panic attacks occur coming out of nowhere. My breath whooshing out of my body as if an enormous weight has landed atop of me. The tears that come out of my eyes only add to the weight. Reminding me of my brothers, when I would watch them bench press ...

GUILTYour insane guilt is driving me insanedraining me drysucking my life force out of my shattered bodyTugging at mePulling on meDemanding of me to give, give, giveEven when I'm finally left lying, curled and shriveled, on the floor,It would STILLnot be, never be,enough