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Crash Stories


It's An Accident Waiting To Happen

Mom had her doubts - and she was proved right.

It was all my fault, I should never have said yes. Approaching his birthday he asked for a new car to replace his old battered one. I agreed but told him not to drive too fast, but as usual, he didn't listen. "Don't worry Mom - it'll be okay." I knew it would happen. Much too fast his car couldn't make the curve and flew through the air, smashing into the wall. I was so lucky he only just missed my crystal vase. That's it...

Routine Training Mission

A routine training flight goes terribly wrong.

Yogi and Casper had just taken off on a routine training flight. The weather wasn't perfect that day. Forecast for low lying cloud cover, but it would help in their training. The two fliers climbed to the designated altitude and formed up to begin their mission. A low level sortie this time, hugging the ground to avoid detection. Casper called to Yogi to verify the flight plan. Yogi replied, “Thirty minutes at two-niner-f...

Visceral Derivatives

a gut response to another's poem with the title Derivatives

I can't help but think of (react to)a four-letter word I associate with scatological banking and bad behaviour and bad loans and risk pools and those who stacked the deck in their own favour, with no regard for the house-of-cards that must eventually fail once it reached the stratosphere when the weight of all the crap the flimsy cards themselves would succumb to the jet stream undercutting somewhere further down or farth...

The end of the line

A bus driver's quick thinking lands his passengers in a predicament.

It was a wonder how any of us survived. Speaking from the scene of the wreck, I, a lowly traveler along with my fellow passengers lay scattered along the roadside on Route 42 to Elmsworth.Being one of five survivors proved to be quite a task. First, I made sure all of our wounds were sutured. Each person was able to walk and the city wasn't far. Jamie stayed beside me through the entire journey along the well traveled des...