I can't help but think of
(react to)
a four-letter word
I associate with scatological banking
and bad behaviour
and bad loans and risk pools
and those who stacked the deck
in their own favour, with no regard
for the house-of-cards
that must eventually fail
once it reached the stratosphere
when the weight of all the crap
the flimsy cards themselves
would succumb to the jet stream
undercutting somewhere further down
or farther off in time
but now, ripened
into the stinkiest, nasty bitter-fruit
one bad, bespoke apple
of spoiling, consecutive harvests
around the world
whilst the doers
absently wiped the reeking sauce
like dog leavings
from their ostrich cap-toe Barker Blacks
slumming in ready-mades
and the secondary mortgage frauds
and forgers gave out
their plump who me? gazes
crowding the door
in braided tight, faintly martial uniforms
from the musical they all sang along in
tugging their forelocks
and swinging wide
for the insurance and ratings princelings
neither standard, nor poor
but well-fed, complacent and cruel
who sailed through
willing to overlook
the damage for some money
well, a lot of money
to sell their best marks
keeping the tottering going a bit longer
'til they could get out of the way of its falling
those empty towers
skyscrapers in Babylon
greedily sent skyward
whilst all the architects and builders
held their noses
excepting the ant-workers
way down on the ground
and climbing the trusses
strung out on empty dream calories
then buried in the inevitable rubble
it was fat while it lasted
and maybe they'll hit the stroll again
in another suit
cribbed from a different deck
with get-out-of-jail-free cards
and aces, peas and walnut shells
stuffed up their sleeves
at the ready
(react to)
a four-letter word
I associate with scatological banking
and bad behaviour
and bad loans and risk pools
and those who stacked the deck
in their own favour, with no regard
for the house-of-cards
that must eventually fail
once it reached the stratosphere
when the weight of all the crap
the flimsy cards themselves
would succumb to the jet stream
undercutting somewhere further down
or farther off in time
but now, ripened
into the stinkiest, nasty bitter-fruit
one bad, bespoke apple
of spoiling, consecutive harvests
around the world
whilst the doers
absently wiped the reeking sauce
like dog leavings
from their ostrich cap-toe Barker Blacks
slumming in ready-mades
and the secondary mortgage frauds
and forgers gave out
their plump who me? gazes
crowding the door
in braided tight, faintly martial uniforms
from the musical they all sang along in
tugging their forelocks
and swinging wide
for the insurance and ratings princelings
neither standard, nor poor
but well-fed, complacent and cruel
who sailed through
willing to overlook
the damage for some money
well, a lot of money
to sell their best marks
keeping the tottering going a bit longer
'til they could get out of the way of its falling
those empty towers
skyscrapers in Babylon
greedily sent skyward
whilst all the architects and builders
held their noses
excepting the ant-workers
way down on the ground
and climbing the trusses
strung out on empty dream calories
then buried in the inevitable rubble
it was fat while it lasted
and maybe they'll hit the stroll again
in another suit
cribbed from a different deck
with get-out-of-jail-free cards
and aces, peas and walnut shells
stuffed up their sleeves
at the ready