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Box Stories


How Festive Are You Feeling?

It's not just Mum's job to clean the dishes.

Merry Christmas to you all How festive are you feeling? Are you enjoying the Christmas lights, and decorations on the ceiling?   Did you wake up bright and early, and rush out your bedroom door? Or did you drink too much last night, and wake up on the floor?   Whatever your current condition you must enjoy the festive cheer For those of you with hangovers Just have another beer.   Eat, drink and be merry indulge in those...

The Box on Riverdale Street

A tale of three men

This is a tale of three men, an educated man, a glutton and a greedy man. Unfortunately for you, this happens more than you would like to believe. There is nothing remarkable about Riverdale Street, except for the town’s yearly parade that would march down that street. Besides that day, it was an ordinary street, a road for people to travel to get home and get to work. One evening, there was a man driving down on Riverdal...

The Box

What possible good can come from a non-descript box?

Imagine a box. A non-descript box, just sitting on the ground. All around you, people are walking around this box, paying it no attention. But something about this particular box draws you in. It is almost like there is a force within that is grabbing hold of you, willing you to at the very least investigate this box. You draw near. Fear enters your heart. It’s an evil world we live in, and boxes are notorious for their p...