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Blackout Stories


Just as Margo stood to leave another crack of thunder shook the house and a bolt of lightening illuminated the street giving it the appearance of high Noon for a second. She sat back down and stared at her tea cup. "Please don't make me leave," she said softly. "I would not send my worst enemy or even you out in this weather. The decision to leave or stay is strictly yours," he responded. Margo stared at the fire with a s...

A typical Spring storm with the usual high winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightning were ravaging the city. A traveler's advisory was in effect and folks were encouraged to stay home and that suited Ian Vance just fine. There was no place he needed to be. Earlier that week he had dropped off the tank, fenders and side panels of his Harley Electra Gide to the painter. The painter was a longtime friend that owed him big tim...