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Attraction Stories


Mam and I have lived alone ever since Da died. I remember that day almost twenty five years ago as it were yesterday; there was a terrible storm and Da was outside fixing the tarpaulins covering the hay bales when a freak gust of wind uprooted the ancient oak tree beside the barn. Da was crushed under timbers from the barn and died a few hours later in hospital from his internal injuries. No one knew how old the oak tree...

His Scent

Gripped by a man's scent

Funny how the mind protects us from trauma and stress by shutting off memories and emotions. I did not understand why I have been so on edge about the MRI my doctor ordered for the pain in my shoulder. They gave me earplugs, strapped me down, covered me in a blanket and started sucking me into that tight tube with only a panic button in my hand. As I lay there, gripped by the claustrophobic panic, the technician told me t...

This event actually occurred during my brief engagement to a lady I will call Daria. Prior to our meeting and getting serious she had been asked to be the maid- of- honor at her long time friend's wedding.It was too late for her to bow out now and she had given her word, and I understood that. Now I would be unable to attend the wedding ceremony due to my job, and Daria understood that. She informed me that the best man h...

Stares hooked across the room Uneasy touching, exploring, pushingBacking up, Amaranth in bloomConfidence rises, juices gushing Sexual explosion, revel in heatLust rushing through bodies burningIncreasing passion play, Amaranth so sweetTwo minds, as one, loving, yearning Souls entwined forever to infinityLust full rage replaced for loveSettling bodies, Amaranth to eternityTogether forever, like the dove

The Bear

A bear comes to my window and we are inches apart looking into each other's eyes

I haven’t seen the bear since that night last spring when he came to the feeders by the window where I write and we saw each other and stopped what we were doing to see each others eyes--he looking in, me looking out. At first, he was standing looking down at me as I looked up and then he went to the window closer to the sill and I moved my face towards him and saw the white marks on his snout and don’t know what he saw o...