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Party Stories



He didn't remember seeing Chris at the party, but it's obvious now that he was there.

What the hell did Idrink last night? I thought, head spinning as I came into consciousness. Trying to think past the crippling post-alcohol agony I focused on the details that led to there being a crippling post-alcohol agony in the first place.Okay, best friend is getting married. That’s hard to forget. Bachelor party. Okay. The case of 150-proof Joe dragged out of his car. Things starting to make a little more sense. Fu...

Simply Looks Like Fun

Something makes the beach party go with a swing.

Simply Looks Like Fun  “Darling, what a clever idea. We’ll see you tomorrow. Must dash or my lasagne will be beyond crisp and you know what your father’s like about his food. See you tomorrow. Kisses to the boys.” I replace the phone and take a deep breath. Now I have to break it to him. As I begin to serve up our supper he strides into the kitchen in search of a corkscrew. I begin the charm offensive, “How about a bottle...

Welcome Home

It's not always easy coming home.

He grabbed his bag and stepped out of the cab, shutting the door behind him. Home. Finally home. He walked up the few stairs to the front door of his parent’s house. They had promised that his room would be the same, nothing touched. He turned the handle and opened the door. Complete silence, just how he remembered it. The scent of the old tapestry and the shoes in the hallway hadn’t changed. The old woodwork was the same...

Ah, the high school prom A rite of passage For those In high school. The young ladies: Spa treatment Hair, gossip, Nails, And the Perfect prom dress. The young men: Fresh haircut, Rented vehicle Or cleaned out Vehicle Brand new tuxes Shined shoes Corsages for Their dates. Pictures taken By parents Off they go. Music blasting In the ballrooms Friends check out Each other’s clothes Pictures upon Pictures are taken Votes for...

“Another day, another end to the work week,” I said to myself as I sat in traffic on a cloudy Friday afternoon, impatiently waiting for the upturned SUV and three other vehicles to be cleared so that I and the several other cars can go through. “I fucking hate rush hour. Whoever invented it needs to get shot and dragged along the expressway while tied up to someone’s tailpipe.” Letting out a few more curses, I turned on t...

Party Favors

Wasn't going to post this but need something a bit lighter after the last one...Happy Holidays...

Party favors do not a party make,Nor that fancy bakery cake,It's not the table set so fine,Nor that bottle of expensive wine,Not china set on polished wood,Or gourmet food that tastes so good. What matters is the people gathered there,Family and friends you know who care,With whom you can share a laugh and a smile,It's what truly makes life worthwhile,For with time spent with loved ones you can be sure,Of cherished memori...