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The Love Show #7: Finally, Completely Together

"Work and play makes a happy couple."

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In Patagonia, we’d talked with Weasel and David about how to manage his return home. Weasel and Andy said that on return they were usually very tired. David said he sends the kids to the grandparents for a week to allow Weasel to reset. For the first two days, they would be alone, but he was on her clock. The next two, he went to the grandparents' and left her alone, so she had time to think and unwind. Then, she rejoined the family at the grandparents' house.

We had little interest in joining the TLS pressure cooker at The Suites and I knew he would be tired, so we told the producers that we'd start at his, then time apart, and end the week at my house. They were welcome to film when we were together and our reunion at the airport, but I'd pick him up and take him home.

The day before his arrival, I got a message from Wing asking me to meet her at Andy's before picking him up. I had complete respect and trust in her, so I acknowledged her request unquestioningly.

We met at his place, and she asked me to grab some boxes from her boot as she opened and unlocked his front door. These were food for the kitchen: mostly breakfast and dinner items for the next few days, but I noticed a parcel containing the unused wedding night champagne, chocs, and cake which she set on the table and smiled. Then, she worked through the house arranging and setting out things, firmly but politely tasking me as if it were her own place, and I knew from Andy that she had to be intimately familiar with it to get his kit if an emergency occurred and he wasn’t at home.

Leaving the house, I reflected that the house fitted the guy: orderly and tidy with a good selection of fiction and non-fiction books, painted mostly in single colours, and the kitchen was well-stocked considering how long he’d hoped to be away for and had generally more equipment than a solo male house would, but I knew that he loved making as well as eating. It was a house that, while lacking female occupancy, would easily occupy me.

She asked me to pass over my phone and open OMessage, saying, "Just need to tweak it," which I did. She muttered, “That'll teach the fuckers."

I responded, "What?”

She replied, "Technical issue."

I let that slide too as I decided if I didn't need to know, better that I didn't. I know when to hold and when to fold and this was a fold. What I wanted to hold was my man and that was now very soon.

Soon, we were finished, and she locked up saying, "I’ll drive," so I got into the passenger seat. As we drove, she passed over an envelope which I opened. It contained two ID cards. The first was my Nest Ventures [friend’s company]/ Rapid card with my picture and CEN logo on it. The second said Airside.

We got to the airport and turned away from the international terminal which surprised me, then turned into the staff parking. Guess it's the deluxe service again, I thought. Instead of going to Arrivals, she drove to the staff car park and told me to get my passes out. I looked at her questioning and she just shrugged. After my initial experience with 10B, I had decided that it's best not to be too questioning when around EAs, so more sliding and folding, but I wondered if this was her revenge on The Pests manifesting.

After going through staff screening, she took me straight to the gate where he would arrive. We idly chatted to kill time, and then the doors opened. My, very tired love exited first, surprised to see us. I thought that it was quite funny that we were both wearing grey zip-necks and jeans. He made a dummy run at Wing, veering at the last second, dropping his bags and enveloping me in his embrace, whispering, "Missed you so much, my love,” and his hands found my back and we wept tears of love and joy.

I whispered back, “My love is with me, our missing over,” and embraced him, already feeling our breaths slow and our relaxation increase, despite the flow of passengers around us.

Wing gently patted our heads in a motherly gesture, “See you at Joe’s Café in 15. Extra marshmallows,” she smiled and headed away.


He leaned back slightly and kissed me. Our embrace tightened, and hands gently roamed spines, causing more gentle waves as we slowly, and deeply Frenched. There was a slight hint of passion running through us that we’d never felt before as we stood oblivious to the throng. Our kisses and breathing slowed further, and the relaxation waves deepened and flowed deep through my body. I let out a gentle moan and kissed him deep and long, then said, “You bugger, that was a month’s kiss,” and kissed him again as my orgasm subsided.


He picked up his bags and we walked hand-in-hand to the café where we saw her with the drinks and an over-sized portion of marshmallows. We embraced the older lady saying, “Thank you,” and this time it was a trio of sobbers. He took a marshmallow in his hand and playfully placed it near her lips, but she used her fingers to retrieve it, eliciting a laugh, then he placed one in his mouth and leaned in, which I took with my teeth, causing a kiss, then we drank half of our cups, interspersing with a few more marshmallow kisses as Wing looked on like a mother goose over her goslings.


He nodded to the adjacent table, and I rubbed my head on his shoulders, triggering him to disentwine and head to the table, returning with a kid’s doodle board and pen. We entwined fingers and locked lips and started carefully writing L O V E on the board. I noticed Wing leave the table, then come back with a pitcher and an angry look on her face as we continued our second L O V E, then a final kiss.


“Phew, thought you were going to set off the fire alarms,” she said, smiling.


“Our vows,” I replied and got a quizzical response from her. He is open with her, though not that open, I realised. “My now-love told me that we were writing our story together,” and I kissed him and passed him a marshmallow via my teeth again for a final smooch.


“You two,” she said and hugged us from behind.


The airport was emptying fast as the witching hour was nearly upon us and we walked towards baggage claim, our arms periodically touched, and we drank, fed marshmallows, and chatted about us, Patagonia, and Wing.


After baggage claim, she escorted us down the Aircrew line to passport control. We got out our airside passes, and he dug out his passport to pass, then she said, “If I were you, I’d just stroll through the door ahead to the car,” hinting about her finale for The Pests screw-over. I realised that she’d diverted their calls on my phone and had somehow nobbled his too and wondered where the calls were going to as hers too, was silent.


With her immediately behind, we followed her instructions and walked through the door slightly apart, noticing and semi-ignoring the cameras as, from behind, she told us to head right to the Aircrew Park. Unseen to us, she was flashing two birds at the camera crew and had a shit-eating grin on her mug, proving again that pissing off an EA is an incredibly dumb idea.


As we exited, he rubbed my hand and nodded at Wing, whispering “Spare room?” The last thing I would normally want to do on my first night with someone is to share the house with a third person, but this was definitely the right thing to do, and I regarded her as a friend now. I rubbed my head on his arm and got two fingertips gently raking up my palm. Again, he had demonstrated respect and care.


I took the hint and tapped our friend on the shoulder. “Why don’t you take the spare room?” She responded by playfully scratching our heads.


In the car, I found my favourite head rest and we soon fell asleep.


When we arrived, she opened up the boot and let herself in, calling out, “Night you two,” and headed to the spare room. We closed the front door and embraced, open-mouth kissing. This wasn’t our normal slow, sensuous kiss, but one again edged with passion and we kissed deeper and harder, pushing our edge as our hands roamed our backs again.


He said, “I need a shower,” and hesitantly kissed me with an extra dose of passion. This was a double turn-on for me: pushing the edge, but respectfully wondering if now was the right time. I kissed him hard back and he led us to the ensuite. We resumed our passionate kiss and roughly unzipped our tops, then stripped off our clothes pawing each other, and headed for the shower which we turned on.


My nipples were hard, I was open, and he was very hard. I placed him between my legs, so his base sat in my entrance and drew a cross on his hip which he reciprocated as we began a deep make-out and we held each other tightly, but for the first time touching sexes.


The feeling of his growing mountain on my valley opened it and made me even wetter as we kissed and caressed but stayed still. His hands roamed down my back sending those gorgeous pleasure waves along my spine and between my legs. I felt him grow and wonder how much longer it was before we both peaked and I gently moaned into his kiss, which he returned.


Our kisses became deeper and more intense but caresses slower as my lips wrapped themselves over his lips and the other lips over his shaft which was now the thickest and longest I’d seen it. I moaned gently and longer and heard him moan too, so I leaned back, placed it between our stomachs, and squeezed onto him again. I kissed him even more passionately which he returned.


The spine roaming pushed me into a crescendo of pleasure and I quickly felt his pleasure across my stomach. We kissed a slow, wet make-out, then dried off and headed to bed for a naked entwine and sleep.


The sunlight woke us at 7 AM, only a few hours into our slumber. As usual, we were still entwined, and I kissed my love. He kissed me back and slid down, kissing my tits and making them hard, as he was becoming too. He reversed course and kissed me on the lips again and I placed him between my legs, so my other lips could caress him. This time, it was a sensual make-out as we wound up from slumber.


We got up and I saw a note under the door: Hope you slept well. You won’t get any calls before 9 😊 W. I smiled thinking that The Pests had gone ape last night waiting for us and wouldn’t be happy at still nothing from us today. But I knew it would be far worse for them if Wing or one of her peers had answered the calls!


“What do you want to do?” he asked, and I snuggled into him. “Breakfast, then show you around the area fast or slow?” he continued, and I kissed him, running my hands down his chest.


“Fastish,” I suggested as then we could have another post-run relax.


We got up and immediately went into the kitchen. He grabbed the oats and waved them at me but decided to leave the croissants, fruit, and our wedding chocolates that had appeared overnight. I nodded and he measured out a cup, then two of water and zapped it in the microwave, and went over to arm the coffee machine.


I moved a chair away from the table, then waited for him to set it and sit down. My favourite chair awaited. I straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck, slowly sliding down his post and feeling it in my lips as he used my handles to steady my descent as we locked lips. I sat on his naked body straddling him and, seating myself onto his shaft, we pleasurably ate each other as I tweaked my position on it, before attending to the proper eats and drinks.


We got changed into our running gear, albeit minus the long tops and gloves that we needed in Patagonia, and wondered how long it would be for The Pests after they were allowed to as our phones were zipped into our pockets. We decided that we’d do 30 minutes out, then back.


He led me on a reasonably paced tour of the area, as he illustrated the area with historic and sometimes rather blunt, but witty insights. In between, we chatted about the upcoming Dinner.


In our calls, I had deliberately not opined on the group members, and said that I wanted him to form his own so we could discuss. The problem we had was whether we wanted to arrive first so we could get to know the other couples, but this would be at the expense of him repeatedly introducing himself and talking about Patagonia, or we went last and did it in one hit at the expense of getting to know people. Despite our upcoming trip to Washup, we were still in the experiment and wanted to get deeper into the group, so we decided to go in early and talk to each couple about themselves, then we could talk to the group about our shared and separate experiences.


We hit the 30-minute mark but called a 15-minute extension. The Pests finally called, and we put it on speaker. They were rather guarded in their tone, and we wondered whether they had the pleasure of a chat with Wing or a peer! We negotiated to film times in our houses and got the first slot at Dinner, then we called a further extension that took us to the canal, where we looped back to his.


We got back to his house and went into the kitchen. He grabbed a chocolate from the table, then pulled my back onto his chest and placed it in his mouth, leaning into my face. “Our first kiss,” I said and made contact, kissing him and eating it.


“Then you fell asleep on me,” and kissed me harder.


I released myself, pushed him onto the chair, and straddled him, taking some fruit into my lips and leaning into his so we could kiss and eat. We fed and ate each other, our kisses growing more intense as we ground laps. He lifted off my top and bra and kissed my chest, so I stripped his top too.

Our kisses became more passionate as we alternated between feeding fruit and croissants and making out. He lifted me up, stripped my bottoms, and kissed me a bit lower. Once he was done, I returned the favour. Soon I was sitting on his lap, facing him, our bodies pressed together, fully connected in all ways except for one. We were still saving that and even in the middle of all this pleasure, I wondered what it would feel like to finally take him.

Our kissing increased as our connection tightened, despite not taking each other as we came together. We knew that when the time was right, it would be very right, but we weren't quite ready yet.

"So hot my love," he whispered, kissing me as we remained tight together.

"Very hot, my love," I whispered back, hands still roaming his body.


I got off him and led him to the shower where we caressed and kissed under the hot flow, then diligently dried off before heading to bed to snuggle.


Later on, the Pests arrived for filming. We were now in crewnecks and had been snuggled on the sofa in a deep, intellectual make-out against the crossword. They wanted to do a bed scene, so we jumped into bed, threw the duvet over ourselves to cover our tops and jeans, and let them film us as they fired banal questions at us. We were expecting more and aggressive questions from them, but they seemed scared of something.


The next day, our OMessages bleeped Hib call: Weds. This meant that tomorrow, the hangar would be closed down and the crews fly home. Also, the countdown for Washup was now on: it would be Wednesday fortnight and I had an enormous amount of learning to do.


He cast his computer onto the TV and opened the notes files that he had made, and I sat on the sofa in his lap. I started scanning through them to get a rough idea, then looped back and cross-referenced our 1:1s as he had been giving me a general idea of what he was doing.


We alternated this with crosswords, some play, and food until it was time for me to head away to my place for his own time. The last chocolate went the same way as all of its box-mates. We kissed a slow, sensual goodbye and I was sad to leave him, but it was only two days this time.



The house immediately seemed empty without Sarah, but I had work to do and I got to reviewing my notes, reading magazines, and generally reflecting on everything, including how much I had grown to love her.


Next morning, I went to Wing’s office to drop off the office kit she had given me. We walked through the office, and I asked, “Who is the victim?” referring to the person who had helped choose the dresses.


She playfully slapped me over the head and called out, “Rebecca?”


A crop brunette head nearby shot up like a rocket and swivelled in our direction as we walked to her. She was slightly shorter and slimmer than my love. If I had to do the stupid TLS Card Challenge, I would rate her about a 7/10, though Sarah would be a 15 as she was taller, slightly bustier and her mind was hot and sexy too. I smiled and said, “Don’t worry, you’re safe,” which elicited a kick to the ankle from Wing and a blank look from Rebecca. I playfully placed my hand on the edge of Wing’s back and whispered, “Airport” as a threat.


She introduced me and I still got a blank look, so I pulled out my phone and found pics of Sarah in the dress and some with a gorgeous mountain background, which slightly enlightened Rebecca, and I realised how in the dark she still was. I said, “Patagonia,” and another blank look. The old bird could teach a Vegas cardsharp lessons on holding cards tight, I realised as I presented her with some chocolates. “The dress was a perfect fit; we are grateful for your choices. Do you watch The Love Show?” and got an evil look. “Maybe watch the next series and you might see the dresses,” I hinted, and we made our leave.


We got to Wing’s office and closed the door. Now I could hug my mother figure, which I did saying, “I’m so grateful for you the last month. You’ve been amazing to us,” causing both to cry happy tears. We disengaged and she slid two packages across the desk: one largeish and plain and one a bit larger than a matchbox and coloured deep red. The smaller one I placed in my jacket pocket next to my heart.


I mentioned to her that yesterday, the crew seemed on edge and were very respectful. She simply and silently kissed me on the forehead as a mother does to a child, and I knew that it was all her doing. Later, I called my love and mentioned this, but not the boxes, and we laughed. Better not to know than to know, we knew.


On the way out, I checked OMessage to see when Sarah, Dog, and Weasel were free on Friday our time and I created a meeting for Dog and Weasel with the subject: YKW 😊


The following day, we had agreed that the crew could film my arrival at Sarah’s, and then do a few challenges. As expected, when I arrived, the crew was outside waiting for me. She opened the door and, as usual, we embraced tightly, then peck-kissed, like our first kiss. Our make-outs were private, and for us, the embrace was more intimate as we synced our bodies, like at the altar. We sensed that the crew wasn’t happy, not that we minded.


We went into the lounge and onto the sofa for the challenges filming. The first was the infamous three-minute cuddle. My open right hand briefly raked her left hip, and her left raked my right, then we put our free hands on top of each other’s hand in agreement, and I set the watch for five minutes. We gave a hesitant look, which the cameras got, but our meaning was different, and then we embraced. As usual, our bodies were fully tight and we synced breaths, which started to slow, sloow, slooow, sloooow. The alarm woke us with a start. As expected, we’d become so relaxed that we had fallen asleep in our cuddle as we did at night.


Another challenge was the Staring Into Eyes. Again, this was problematic for us as we were rather too good at holding hands and relaxing. During the challenge, but this time one of the Pests clapped their hands to jolt us!


Once we were rid of them, we briefly ran through my logs again so she could start to understand the processes and what I was thinking as this is how we distill learnings. We finished up the day by walking to The Thistle for a leisurely dinner in front of the log fire with several glasses of tasty Thistle Ale and Thistle Field Cider to accompany the succulent steamed trout for main.


Over dinner, we refined our plans for WashUp as we’d been offered the chance to go two days early to set up my friends’ chalet where it would be held. I had talked about The Chalet previously: my friends had bought the whole building as a shell of an incompetent developer, and I had helped them with the re-plan: they ended up halving the number of apartments and made two of these into a duplex that is now a high-end rental. Even better for us was that the Weasel and Dog families would also be in the chalet. Sarah was relieved that Angie/10B would stay in the nearby Creekside Inn as she wasn’t that comfortable around her to-be boss despite their chat on the 757. I reassured her again that Angie had made the offer to Weasel rather than the opposite. We messaged our decision to Wing so she could arrange tickets.


I had left the large parcel in my boot, but the small one was stashed in my laptop bag. When it was close to the time the next day, I brought the large parcel in, put it on her bed, and shifted the small one to my back pocket.


I led her into the bedroom, and she saw the boxes. The large parcel was not a surprise as, after entwining following the first dress’ removal, I had explained how I obtained the dress and later showed her the pics of Bex in the other dresses. She liked both, and we’d sent a joint message to Wing asking that she get those too. She turned around and Frenched me deeply and slowly, then opened the top box and pulled out a medium blue side zip. As usual, she needed assistance removing her top and jeans, which I dutifully did, along with some more kisses.


She put the dress on in front of the mirror, with my chest and something else pressing on her back. I zipped it up and then helped her carefully smooth it over her chest, though I wasn’t too sure that my neck kisses and our make-outs were helping. It looked much better on her than on Bex, and I realised that Bex had a slightly smaller build than Sarah, and it hadn’t fitted the stranger as well. Wing has nailed these, I realised.


I checked my watch and helped her to remove the dress, playfully rubbing myself on her bottom. She opened the second box and removed a medium-red front-zip. This was my second choice when I was briefly looking at Wing’s snaps of Bex. Again, I helped her smooth the dress on over some growing lumps, delayed by pleasant interludes and our kissing and smoothing became more intense.


My watch vibrated: It was Wing: Ready? I double-tapped the screen to send the Yes message.


My laptop started bleeping in the adjacent room. “Better get that,” I said and pulled back to a grump from her, and I saw her sour expression as I led her to the laptop, then I answered the video call.

Weasel and Dog were on the screen, deadpanning and she was confused now. “Hey, guys. New Dress?” Weasel asked.


“Dress is nice, but missing something,” Dog deadpanned.


I placed my hands behind my back and removed the contents of the box, placing the clip between my fingers and clenched my fist as I brought my hand around, over her front, and rotated it under her vision. “You mean this?” I asked and rotated my hand to her confusion.


The pilots smiled and I pulled my hand forward and rotated it, showing her the silver brooch. It had a silver edge with a dark background with diamond stars and CEN in silver. She clipped it onto her chest and pulled me in, kissing me deep and hard, which I reciprocated. In the background we heard Dog say, “Bye guys, enjoy your time,” and the video call ended.

We kissed long and deep, sensually at first, but the passion grew as we carried on. This was our most erotic kiss. She pulled back and took my top off, kissing my chest as she went down, then removing my trousers and lingering.  I undid her zip and removed her dress, taking care to remove her bra and I kissed her hard, erect peaks, then dropped her knickers and lingered there briefly. She pulled me in and Frenched me deep and hard as our bodies connected tightly, but not yet completely and we moved together, becoming more entwined, then we headed to the bedroom.

We resumed our intense makeout, moving against each other and becoming more excited as I held her chest tightly, but I was making an effort not to go too far.  She said, “When we are ready?”

I replied, “Are we?” She kissed me harder, moving tighter on me. We kissed harder and I let her fully unite us. 

I rolled onto our side and our hands roamed along our backs, something that had always been special for us. We continued to make out and pleasure each other until we achieved full unity and completeness.

"So much love given," I said and returned to the kissing and moving.

"Our love was ready to give, my love," she said. We stayed entwined, fully connected, and playfully in our moment.

She asked me where the broch had come from. I reminded her of El Auro Jewellers in the city where we had spent time on one of the group outings. I had been feeling her out to see if anything took her fancy as she rarely wore jewellery but hadn't got any definite hits.


When Weasel, Dog, and I had designed the fabric Formal, we thought about something more substantial if Sarah took the Tag. Dog had noticed that they did custom-made, so the day after Cycle 2 commenced, we replanned so we could go in and see what they could do, and they came up with an acceptable design, which we arranged to be sent to Wing.

With our new-found passion reignited, and without boundaries, we spent several hours exploring each other. Learning what the other likes, what set each other on fire. We connected deeply in all ways.


She led me to the shower and turned it on as we embraced. The powerful flow of water enveloped our bodies. “Every time I was in the shower with you, I wondered what it would be like with you in me,” she said and kissed me deeply and slowly, “Now I know.”

I returned the kiss as we caressed each other. She felt so good in my arms and I didn't want to let her go. We locked in a deep embrace and slid to the shower floor making out under the flow. When the water turned cold, we got out, dried off, and finally filled our empty stomachs.

Written by TheGardener
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