Remembering how we're friends
For over a year
I stood by your side
Supported, cared and helped you
As much as I could,
Through all the good times and bad.
Then I met a guy
Someone you didn’t know
So you decided,
That the right thing for you to do
Was flirt and meet him in secret.
The flirting was nothing new.
People warned me to watch my back
Keep an eye on you.
But I thought I knew you better.
So, I brushed aside their warnings
But now I wish I had listened.
The question I keep coming back too
Is do you consider
How your flirting makes the person feel,
Or even how it may effect
Their partner or even your own.
From where I sit now
I guess you do not
You think it’s all harmless fun,
Unfortunately, for some involved it’s not.
For over a year
I stood by your side
Supported, cared and helped you
As much as I could,
Through all the good times and bad.
Then I met a guy
Someone you didn’t know
So you decided,
That the right thing for you to do
Was flirt and meet him in secret.
The flirting was nothing new.
People warned me to watch my back
Keep an eye on you.
But I thought I knew you better.
So, I brushed aside their warnings
But now I wish I had listened.
The question I keep coming back too
Is do you consider
How your flirting makes the person feel,
Or even how it may effect
Their partner or even your own.
From where I sit now
I guess you do not
You think it’s all harmless fun,
Unfortunately, for some involved it’s not.