Where does the sun go
When he sneaks away,
When the day turns to night
And my thoughts fly astray
On the wings of the whispers
That flit round my head,
And the shadows creep up
And crawl under my bed?
What does he see,
This bright sun of the morn
As he rides through the heavens
Where angels are born
And the stars of dark velvet
Fling ice chips to clouds
That soft drift falling snow
On the earth in bright shrouds?
How does he feel,
Jolly sun, on his road
Through the ages of men
As they carry their load
Through the mines of depression
And turbulent fears
Where they sit in the dark
With their cheeks wet with tears?
Why does he wander,
This endless bright sun,
Now he's here, now he's there,
Never stopped as he's spun
On his own rocking journey,
No cares for my eyes
When his light makes me wretched
And laughs at my sighs?
How can this end,
Ugly sun, bright and free,
Who traverses the universe,
Heat still on me?
Does he cry when he's moving,
Just hiding his tears
With his blinding light
Stopping us seeing his fears?
Does this sun hide at night
To recoup his masked face,
Showing us only awesome
And infinite grace,
When inside he is rising
And setting in pain,
And in fact, just like me,
He is going insane?
For looking at him
That bright sun in the sky,
Is he more like me, wondering
When he can cry
Without audience, watchers
Who mock start to end,
And in fact, is the sun
A new beautiful friend?
For in blinding with beauty,
Does the sun favour me?
Where I thought he was mocking,
Perhaps it's a plea.
If I'm blinded by him,
Then I can't see his face
Or the tears that run down,
They are hid without trace.
Maybe I should look on,
And I'll see, maybe, might,
That his eyes see my own face
As I see his - bright!
Can we blind, then, each other,
And burn down the fears
That have trapped us in chains
Made of cruel, unseen fears?
Am I and the sun
In our low state the same,
Never seeing the beauty
'Til tears fall as rain?
For the rainbows come chasing,
The sun's welcome art,
Maybe I can cast rainbows,
When I cry my heart.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.
When he sneaks away,
When the day turns to night
And my thoughts fly astray
On the wings of the whispers
That flit round my head,
And the shadows creep up
And crawl under my bed?
What does he see,
This bright sun of the morn
As he rides through the heavens
Where angels are born
And the stars of dark velvet
Fling ice chips to clouds
That soft drift falling snow
On the earth in bright shrouds?
How does he feel,
Jolly sun, on his road
Through the ages of men
As they carry their load
Through the mines of depression
And turbulent fears
Where they sit in the dark
With their cheeks wet with tears?
Why does he wander,
This endless bright sun,
Now he's here, now he's there,
Never stopped as he's spun
On his own rocking journey,
No cares for my eyes
When his light makes me wretched
And laughs at my sighs?
How can this end,
Ugly sun, bright and free,
Who traverses the universe,
Heat still on me?
Does he cry when he's moving,
Just hiding his tears
With his blinding light
Stopping us seeing his fears?
Does this sun hide at night
To recoup his masked face,
Showing us only awesome
And infinite grace,
When inside he is rising
And setting in pain,
And in fact, just like me,
He is going insane?
For looking at him
That bright sun in the sky,
Is he more like me, wondering
When he can cry
Without audience, watchers
Who mock start to end,
And in fact, is the sun
A new beautiful friend?
For in blinding with beauty,
Does the sun favour me?
Where I thought he was mocking,
Perhaps it's a plea.
If I'm blinded by him,
Then I can't see his face
Or the tears that run down,
They are hid without trace.
Maybe I should look on,
And I'll see, maybe, might,
That his eyes see my own face
As I see his - bright!
Can we blind, then, each other,
And burn down the fears
That have trapped us in chains
Made of cruel, unseen fears?
Am I and the sun
In our low state the same,
Never seeing the beauty
'Til tears fall as rain?
For the rainbows come chasing,
The sun's welcome art,
Maybe I can cast rainbows,
When I cry my heart.
This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.