Laying on my back, soft breathy girl's cries fading into the silence that had screamed your name earlier.
The branches blown against the window,
beat as my heart slows its rapid cadence.
My fingers still fragrant from touching;
while you rode the reverberance through the hallows of my mind.
Quivering muscles juxtapose the calm in my mind.
The darkness soothes my purposeful blindness.
Where you lay in my mind is naught but shadow now.
Your touch that I've ached for long gone.
Crumbled lives shattered as time goes forward,
A traitor,
Taking me farther and farther from what was.
What will be, too far away to be seen.
The wet slide of my thighs doesn't know that you have a new path,
One without me
To clatter and bother and love and smile.
It sees only tongue traces up smooth skin,
and laughter.
The sigh of sadly asundered souls cry out for a violent rejoining.
Clash against me; fill my flesh with weary excess.
My breathing settled into the sinus rhythm of a life without seasoning.
Glass of water by the bed in mute witness to my midnight masquerade,
Rompings with you,
Disguised dance with your memory.
“Come home,” my lips plead.
Whispering the thoughts,
My heedless heart begs to hurl on your familiar countenance.
Aching pain tugs at the clarity that seats you here.
Careless in my reverie,
I wallow,
knowing it shouldn't be.
Traitorous villain that she is,
Has stolen the pinpricks of hurt.
The screaming, thunderous gulf stretched between us
To crash down whenever as doomed ships we collided.
No anger left to hold me from approaching you,
To stay my hand from my- your- nightly venture
Into that slick rub
Where it performs in thrilling encores.