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Over 90 days ago
United States


Busy with life, work, and my imagination

Reading, writing, riding, cooking...

Favorite Books
Far to many to list: I like fiction, nonfiction, cereal boxes, references, anything I can get my hands on. Mostly I prefer science fiction, horror, fantasy, mysteries, not necessarily in that order.

Favorite Authors
King, Rice, Follett, Francis, Martin, Hobb, Gaiman, Pratchett, Evanovich, Goodkind, Clancy just off the top of my head...
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A nurse's musing

It's hard to explain to the world at large why nursing is so difficult. After all, it's not any one thing that is so hard it can't be done by someone with patience. Empty a urinal, take vital signs, give someone a couple pills, make a bed, write some notes, pass a meal tray, answer the phone, suction a patient, start an IV, answer a call light, insert a Foley, hang an antibiotic: anybody can do these with a little trainin...

My breath catches as it flows in and out in short pants. I can feel the tickle as the beads of sweat drip down my back, running along the curve of my spine. I have my fingers gripping the rough edges as tight as they can. Every fiber in my being wills this to be over. But alongside me is another, just as terrified as myself. She is focused; right hand right foot, left hand, left foot. Up she climbs, steady as a spring rai...

Bright pain burns my orbs, Stabs through the gray. Salt trembles to spill. Do you not think of me? “Its not fair,” I long to screech at your back, Yet I am prostrate before, Begging your return, Trembling pink pout, and aching core.My friend gone, a husk there remains, Shade of the past that was, Future hidden in that ghost. Crying from my cellar door, Seeking in the heavens your tower gate. Barred to my entreaty it remai...