The ideas are here,
but so’s the pain,
it’s making me feel rather wan.
It’s not a perfect rhyme,
but give me time.
Why do poems have to rhyme?
A poem doesn’t have to rhyme,
just as long as it makes the reader
spend time.
Time is great, but waste it not.
Rather, make haste, and buy a yacht.
I’ve no idea where I’m going with this,
my hands are fucked, my brain is worse.
Why the fuck do I have this curse?!
Chronic pain, illness, I can’t do this!
That’s all I think,
and it’s starting to stink.
For two years I’ve had this, and now I can barely sling some ink.
What’s with the long line?
I dunno, but it’s breakfast time.
I’m gonna snack on a banana.
Might give some mana.