I prayed to the heavens and God above
and asked Him to send me someone to love;
I prayed for someone with love to share;
a man not afraid to honestly care;
I prayed for someone to love faithfully,
for our time on earth and infinitely;
I placed my dreams within God's hands;
In the form of a prayer for my ideal man;
I've always wanted a love pure and true;
I found it the day God sent me you.
and asked Him to send me someone to love;
I prayed for someone with love to share;
a man not afraid to honestly care;
I prayed for someone to love faithfully,
for our time on earth and infinitely;
I placed my dreams within God's hands;
In the form of a prayer for my ideal man;
I've always wanted a love pure and true;
I found it the day God sent me you.