Mondays suck big time
I have no fear in stating this
They begin the work week long
Ending the weekend short
Only two days we are granted
Rest, play, errands, or enjoy
Take your pick, it matters not
For in a blink much too quick
Those two days are gone
And once again the cycle starts
Five days of yuck, blah and what not
So work we must the week through
Making plans that most likely will bust
For once the desired Friday arrives
We are spent, mind wasted and bent
Thus is the world of chosen some
That need to toil in turn if to have
Well earned, deserved and yummy fun
I have no fear in stating this
They begin the work week long
Ending the weekend short
Only two days we are granted
Rest, play, errands, or enjoy
Take your pick, it matters not
For in a blink much too quick
Those two days are gone
And once again the cycle starts
Five days of yuck, blah and what not
So work we must the week through
Making plans that most likely will bust
For once the desired Friday arrives
We are spent, mind wasted and bent
Thus is the world of chosen some
That need to toil in turn if to have
Well earned, deserved and yummy fun