They say that happiness is a choice
I don't recall ever saying I don't want to be happy
If happiness is a choice, doesn't that mean that depression is too?
When standing in the line, I don't remember ever saying "yeah I decided I don't wanna see the light anymore.
I want to feel like I'm walking down a dark hall for the rest of my life
I never want to know when the light will flicker back on
I never want to see a bright side anymore
I want to feel like I'm alone
I want to wish I was dead with each and every single step that I take in this dark hall."
I don't remember filling out a questionnaire about how I want my thoughts to be
I don't wake up with the intent to being sad all day
I want to smile and be happy
I want to yearn to go out
I wish I wanted to go out and do things, but every single time I get out of bed there's a voice in my head that begs me to get back in, bundle myself up and hopefully suffocate in the process
I hear that voice in everything I do
I just want to smile again and go out with my friends, but every time I'm out with them that voice comments on how pathetic I am
It tells me how much those people don't want me around and I would be better off dead
It shows me how I could do it and how happy everyone would be when I was gone
Then I snap myself out of it, I try to smile and the cycle repeats
I don't remember choosing depression
I only remember it choosing me