What if I stopped being annoyed when people don’t follow the rules?
What if I didn’t feel compelled to comment when a conversation didn’t include me?
What if I just turned up the volume on the television or radio when the speed demon toddler starts to race back and forth over my head?
What if I didn’t interrupt my husband while he was telling a story to correct the details?
What if I didn’t feel resentment toward a few siblings that just don’t get it and never will?
What if I stopped getting mad when people sit on my beach chairs even though the word private is painted in big black letters?
What if I didn’t waste time going down a rabbit hole while researching a story?
What if I didn’t worry about how the chemo has affected me?
What if I remembered that the Gulf of Mexico is part of my backyard?
What if I let go of my anxiety?
What if I were just grateful to be alive?