Have you ever written a story or a poem and been unhappy with the finished product?
Addicted to the healing properties of catharsis, you attempt to reword, rework, and rewrite to make yourself ‘feel’ better about the piece. Upon your review, every word, line, paragraph, and stanza is free from grammatical or mechanical error. However, you can’t seem to part with what you’ve completed. After the internal struggle, you decide to release your art, and you publish only to discover that your piece, your words, and your masterpiece...it wasn’t for you.
The receipt of a note or a kind word from a reader confirms that your work wasn’t about you. You’ve been a conduit and a messenger to help someone else. It was about someone else. It was about someone else’s healing.
So, let it go, and let it be read. It might not be for you.
Addicted to the healing properties of catharsis, you attempt to reword, rework, and rewrite to make yourself ‘feel’ better about the piece. Upon your review, every word, line, paragraph, and stanza is free from grammatical or mechanical error. However, you can’t seem to part with what you’ve completed. After the internal struggle, you decide to release your art, and you publish only to discover that your piece, your words, and your masterpiece...it wasn’t for you.
The receipt of a note or a kind word from a reader confirms that your work wasn’t about you. You’ve been a conduit and a messenger to help someone else. It was about someone else. It was about someone else’s healing.
So, let it go, and let it be read. It might not be for you.