Just pondering.
Can you name even one truly two-dimensional object? Stuck? I can not think of a single one. A photograph still has a thickness even if it is small. A line on paper? Still, has the molecular level of height making it three dimensional.
I would argue that we actually live in a five-dimensional universe. Length, width, height, time, and spirit, make up our world’s dimensions. I won’t address five for the sake of peace and quiet.
We cannot escape the bounds of our dimensions. The speed of light locks us into the time dimension. Our atomic and sub-atomic nature; due to the matter we are made of prevents us from escaping the other three. In fact attacking the matter, we are made of results in such drastic results as thermal-nuclear explosions.
I wonder what would happen if we did punch a hole through one of these dimensions. Would we be invaded from the other side? Would we create a hole through which our whole universe would be sucked through?
This also gives the lie to anyone claiming that there are thousands of parallel dimensions. I would stipulate there are many parallel five dimensional universes, but they are all five dimensional just like us. Perhaps there are other universes with greater or lesser dimensions. However, we will never know as we are held captive in our five-dimensional universe.