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Fantasy Stories

Our fantasy stories are for those who enjoy escaping to a world filled with magic, wizards, dragons and sorcery.

Stories in this genre have an underlying theme of good versus evil and may be based on fairy tales, myths or legends.

Characters, places and names are often pulled from the author’s vivid imagination and descriptions are usually highly detailed.

In the rhythm of the Marangona Somnabulic fantasy That oneiric night, wrapped in a mantle of rain drops that was tapping a gloomy cadence, a oneiric night illuminated by a lunar reflector, and darkened by rainy clouds, Annabel found herself in a smallish campo [1], one of the numerous in that town, not knowing how she got there, lost as every reader, looking for a yarn hank to catch, a lighthouse on the literary offing, h...


I jumped off the cart, unhitched my horse and stormed right into the forest. I wanted to get lost in the thicket and run free from all the burdens of my life. I wanted to run and keep running as far, as my feet could possibly take me, but I could not run the reason was in the wagon directly behind me. "Brook, wait!" Maple called desperately. Finnick caught my expression and stopped her. He caught sight of my expression, a...

Chapter 2 Unconscious. Thoughts streamed through Will's mind. What happened after that? It's just a blank spot in my memory. Kind of... like... it was taken. But, that's silly. You can't just take someone's memory like that, right from them. Can you? If... you could... Does that mean someone took my... Faint words echoed in from reality disturbing Will's thoughts and muddling them up. “Will... Will... Will.” Now I'm think...

Nearly There Nicely

A young man was forgotten by his father, and suddenly is forced to learn the truth about the world.

Chapter 1 Once upon a time, in a tiny kingdom, there was a prince who had a best friend. In time, the prince became king, and when he did, he made his best friend the grand duke. This story is not about either of them. It's about the grand duke's son who was forgotten. The city is actually the royal city, of a pretty tiny country. No one pays it any mind though. It's not in any strategic points of interest on the landscap...


My eyes fluttered open, as the sun beamed into my room. I snuggled in my bed so comfortably that I did not want to leave. That was, until Maple decided to sit on top of me. I pretended to sleep avoiding whatever interrogation she had for me. For a happy-go-lucky girl, who was sweet and innocent, she was pretty damn stubborn. "Brook," she lightly shook my shoulder. I remained as still as possible, not giving any indication...


"It was a beautiful kingdom," someone always began. I looked up from sweeping in response, hoping they continued about this 'kingdom.' They never did though, all I knew was, that it was the Kingdom of Thorns on the other side of the eastern mountain range. Nothing but spirits lived there now. "Because it was sacred ground, soaked with magic," the old blind woman, begging at the town market, always blurted out, when my cur...


There once was magic that coursed through the lands and breathed life into many of the mystical creatures that roamed it. One kingdom, the source of the magic, was rich with it and many of the creatures gathered there. For many years, the sacred ground has been drenched red with blood from many feuds and wars to control that power as the strongest creature of the world. Eventually finding peace as the grandest of all mons...

The Twins Part 3

The demons spend time with their friends the gypsies. Husky has a few flashbacks.

The room was cold and dark, as her back pressed against the wall. Husky, the mischievous little girl had come to this end. She had tunnel vision, as she stared at the boy who held a knife at her throat. He shouted at a younger boy, who cried and pounded his fists into the side of the older one. One name came to her mind, Chris. A sneer peeled back her lips and a low growl came from deep within her. The older boy shoved Ch...

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The Twins Part 2

The trio of demons continue eastward encountering more little skirmishes and friends.

The road to China was long and fraught with danger. Several large mountain ranges blocked the road causing it to go around the base of the mountains. These detours extended the trip by many days, but the demons cared little about time. The road wound through primeval forests full of animals and strange plants. Most of the animals ran from the sounds of the approaching demons. Those that stayed either preyed on the demons...

The Twins Part 1

A trio of demons embark on a trek as bounty hunters killing dragons.

The year was unimportant, but the age was. It was the age of mystics, magicians, dragons, demons and other beasts. Dotting the countryside were many small villages with surrounding farms. The crops and herds from these farms fed the nearby families and kept the castle of the lord stocked. Every village had an inn where travelers stayed and drank their fill of local ale. The local inn was the place where travelers stopped...


Shanna dreams of owning a dragon for a pet.

Dragons! There is something fascinating about the unattainable.Shanna watches as the massive black creature from her hiding place beneath a rocky outcropping. From the tip of its scaly snout, to the end of it horned tail, Shanna estimates it to be fifty meters long. There was no doubt it was the largest she had ever seen.She had always dreamed on finding an abandoned dragon egg and raising the hatchling as her pet. They w...


"Oh, my gosh! I wonder if I'll see him again tonight too!!!" Eris shouted in pure excitement. Abby covered her ears to protect them from her loud friend. "Careful, this guy seems to be quite the charmer... Such a shame, he's only part of a dream. I would've liked to meet the creature that actually swept you off your feet, especially, since you go on and on about him. With your description, I can close my eyes and see him...

Mary once had a little lamb. This lamb had magical powers. For it could baaa the most enchanting of melodies. If you heard certain melodies of this lamb, you could feel a compulsion to do many things. That is why this power of the lamb was as dangerous as it was wondrous. You could be forced by a magical compulsion to go try your hardest, to feel cheerful, or to slit your throat. The powers of this lamb were both capable...


It was dark and cold under the looming canopy of trees. The moon shown through the leaves, casting pale patches of light, obscuring the eerie shadows. Everything was still for this was the meeting place. A frigid breeze sliced through the trees filling the empty space with the rushing sound of leaves. The wind faded leaving a deathly silence and a gathering of figures appearing. Solemn and silent they stood, examining the...

My father, the Great god Pan, told me once that I was not like his other progeny. Oh, I had the ears and tail of a horse, of course (whinny!) And I had the powers of a demigod. I would live almost forever, and I could see into the future, just a bit. Not everything. And I was not as lustful as my brothers and sisters. I spent most of my time with my animal friends. I lived in Arcadia, where my father was born to be the im...